2023 No. 2

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On the Logical Framework of Educology
Chen Guisheng
2023, (2): 5-9.
Abstract(513) HTML (224) PDF(92)
Education in a broad sense formed historically contains several basic components with different nature, among which education in a narrow sense is different from culture in nature, and both of them are different from teaching-learning in nature. Education or culture is the value pursuit of teaching-learning, and teaching-learning itself is a neutral activity. The argumentation around them, using different thinking forms and presenting different logics, leads to the chaotic logical relationship of educology. We can focus on the educational thinking of educators and sort out the logical framework of educology in view of the crux of the logical problems of educational thinking.
On Chen Guisheng's Explorations in the Concept of Education
Zhang jianguo
2023, (2): 10-20.
Abstract(463) HTML (225) PDF(123)
Chen Guisheng has always paid great importance to the study of basic concepts in pedagogy. His exploration of the concept of education typically prepresents the characteristics of his conceptual research. His work is closely reviewed in this article including his analysis of the name and reality of the word "education", clarifying the link between the concept and the idea of education, and the examination of the evolution of the intension of education as a concept. It is found that his hesitation in the quality of the concept of education hinders his distinction between education and teaching-learning activities. In recent years, inspired by Peters' work, he has launched a series of reflections on pedagogy from the perspective of education as an irreplaceable value, which makes him examine the concept of education in the relationship with the concept of Buildung and teaching-learning activities. On the basis of clarifying the relationship between these basic concepts, he framed the logical category of pedagogy, provided a conceptual map to understand education issues in one way only belonging to pedagogy, and went beyond the discussion of the concept of education itself. In this process, he not only perceived the similarities and differences in understanding education as one value between European pedagogy and English-speaking pedagogy, but also gained insight into the individuality of Chinese and Western education culture through the comparison of education culture, and even sprouted confidence in chinese local education culture.
"Teaching-learning Body" Research: Question Reflection, Methodological Return and Conceptual Reconstruction
Zhang Guangjun, Huang Jie
2023, (2): 21-33.
Abstract(504) HTML (310) PDF(221)
"Teaching-learning body" means the "body" in the teaching-learning context, the fundamental understanding and overall view about this is teaching-learning body view. Currently, teaching-learning body research is confined to the Western epistemological perspective, focusing on "body cognition" rather than "body", limiting the value of the body to the level of knowledge acquisition, stealing the freedom of the senses for the freedom of the body, and relying on virtual technology in physical interaction. Reflections on research methodology show that teaching-learning body research needs to be supplemented at the ontological and value level. The image of "body" in the Confucian Cultivation thought is rich, which is the existence of a person with the attribute of pain, itching, and compassion, as a realistic representation of life, in the process of generation, and requires long-term practice. Those images are also closely related to the mechanism of education. The practice of Confucian Cultivation is based on the real human body, conforms to the body's life instinct, and realizes the body relationship with others through body's practice, those are beneficial to the reconstruction of teaching-learning body view. Generative teaching-learning philosophy (GTP) can provide ideological guidance for exploring basic provisions and value attributes of "teaching-learning body". Under this view, the "teaching-learning body" should have the characteristics of physical and mental integration, implicated life, dynamic generation, and humanistic interaction.
From "Certainty Standpoint" to "Certainty Presence": the Logical Premise of "No Acceleration" of Moral Education in an Accelerated Society
ZHANG Jiangkun
2023, (2): 34-43.
Abstract(571) HTML (315) PDF(112)
"Accelerated society" is a new diagnosis of modern society. "Accelerated society" not only refers to the superficial phenomenon of individual life perception, but also to the deep time structure of modern social life. In the classical stage of modern society, people's pursuit of certainty and avoidance of uncertainty have shaped the certainty status of moral education. However, in an accelerated society, the high complexity and uncertainty of social life make the moral education with a certainty location show the double anxiety of "morality" and "education". Education can't evade the basic conditions of an accelerated society. One possible choice is to reshape the "certainty presence": on the one hand, moral education should take public life as the fulcrum and people's good life as the realistic pursuit; On the other hand, it should care of people's existence from the height of being human being, with the value aim of realizing people's freedom and possible life.
Value Logic of Moral Education in the Era of Material Abundance: On the Necessity and Possibility of "Post-materialism" Value Education
XIAO Jinxing
2023, (2): 44-55.
Abstract(442) HTML (234) PDF(22)
In the era of material abundance, people's advantage needs have been transformed from the needs of survival level to the needs of life level. The age of material abundance showed a clear direction of the good life and the possibility of its realization. As the core value of the era of material abundance, the value of "post-materialism" is rising. Moral education is facing the new value context, and it is bound to respond to the good life under the guidance of post-materialism. At present, materialism restricts the response of moral education to the good life, making contemporary people have three areas of weakness. They are the lack of dynamic moral motivation, the weakening of individual meaning of moral purpose, and the tendency of conservative adaptation of moral behavior. Post-materialism calls on internal motivation in motivation, pays attention to individual meaning in purpose, and emphasizes pioneering and innovation in behavior. Thus, it surpasses the disadvantages of materialism and may lead the development direction of moral education. Contemporary moral education should awaken the endogenous power of students 'moral motivation from the dimension of cognitive clarification and emotional stimulation, guide the personalized interpretation of students' moral purpose from the dimension of individual enjoyment and self-realization, and strengthen the pioneering and innovation of students' moral behavior from the dimension of comprehensive development and practical transcendence.
Alterity and Common Value: The Paradigm Transformation and Value Redirection of International Understanding Education in the Age of Globalization
YE Yaxuan
2023, (2): 56-65.
Abstract(544) HTML (236) PDF(22)
At present, the deepening of globalization makes cultural communication inevitable, while cultural differences exist objectively and inevitably. Under this background, all of the cultural subjects are facing an common significant issue. That is how to live together among diversified cultures full of heterogeneity. International understading education aims to make cultural coexisting possible through understanding cultural differences, other cultures and the interculturality. "distinction" and "strangeness" are two types of common cultural understanding paradigms which view the interculturality from the perspective of interiority and exteriority respectively. Based on this two paradigms, the international understanding education guided towards two completely different value positions of universalism and relativism respectively. However, the educational problems are hidden in both of them. While an cultural understanding paradigm of "alterity" may become an oulet for transcending "distinction" and "strangeness" and reversing the dilemma of international understanding education. The paradigm of "alterity" views intercuality in an perspective of both exteriority and ethics, establishing an inter-alterity ethical co-existing relationship with each other. To this end, international understanding education turns to a relational and generative common value standpoint, and attaches importance to constructing the common value among cultural subjects in the dialogue and communication to make the coexistence and development of multicultures possible.
The Core Characteristics and Practical Approach of the Chinese Path to Modernization of the Compulsory Education
WU Hongchao, YE Pei, WEI Chixin
2023, (2): 66-75.
Abstract(677) HTML (295) PDF(47)
Unlike other countries in the world, China's compulsory education modernization process highlights two core characteristics: equilibrium and accessibility. This is not only a major problem to be solved in the Chinese path to modernization of compulsory education, but also provides Chinese wisdom and experience for other countries in the development of compulsory education. In terms of enhancing the equilibrium of compulsory education, the state is gradually putting it into practice through strong supervision and evaluation of basic balance and quality balance in compulsory education, allowing Chinese compulsory education development to make a major leap from unbalanced to basic balance in more than ten years. But there are still problems such as simplification of the process, instrumentation of the assessment function and discounting of the assessment effect in the process of promotion. In terms of enhancing the accessibility of compulsory education, it is necessary to further clarify the connotation of accessibility of compulsory education services in the future. From the perspective of accessibility establish a guaranteed list of education services, ensuring that the achievements of education development are enjoyed by all.
Discussions on the Construction of the Chinese Path to Modernization of Higher Education Quality Assurance System
2023, (2): 76-85.
Abstract(406) HTML (190) PDF(26)
China is embarking a new journey of high-quality development of higher education, and effective guarantee and comprehensive improvement of quality has become one of the core issues. After long-term exploration and practice, China has now formed a modern higher education quality assurance concept of universities as the main body, student development as the center, constant monitoring as the means of continuous improvement. It has established and gradually improved a modern higher education quality assurance system covering graduate education, undergraduate education and higher vocational education with the collaboration of ministries and provinces and the deep integration of information technology and assessment. Based on modern governance concepts, it is the goal and direction of modern higher education quality assurance system to build a system with close coordination between internal and external quality assurance, to strengthen the power and function of universities in quality assurance, and to stimulate the enthusiasm and potential of universities in running schools. The modernization of Chinese higher education quality assurance should not only reflect the modern characteristics of education such as institutionalization, legalization, democracy and professionalism, as well as the modern governance concept of "common governance and good governance", but also return to the fundamental responsibility and mission of universities to establish moral education, so as to transcend the limitations of instrumental rationality and promote the "high quality" development of higher education.
From "Educating for Scores" to "Educating Person": A Probe into the Chinese Path to Modernization of Educational Evaluation
ZENG Wenjie, ZHOU Ziyi
2023, (2): 86-92.
Abstract(553) HTML (144) PDF(19)
Education evaluation is closely related to the direction of education development. Promoting the modernization of educational evaluation is conducive to promoting modernization of education, and then providing talent support for the construction of a great modern country. In our country, the test-oriented culture is deeply rooted. In the process of modernizing of educational evaluation, it is necessary to transform score-oriented evaluation to learning-oriented assessment, from pointing to "educating for scores" to "educating person". First, implementing assessment of learning, changing the understanding of students' learning outcomes, and strengthening the formative use of assessment results. Second, carrying out assessment for learning, highlighting the consistency of teaching, learning and assessment, and improving the quality of teachers' feedback. Third, advocating assessment as learning, encouraging students to pay attention to their progress in the learning process, and awakening the awareness of self-development. Fourth, promoting intelligentized assessment, expanding learning data collection channels, and analyzing massive data deeply.
Is the U.S. Federal Government's "Interventions" in Educational Affairs Unconstitutional?
XU Wei
2023, (2): 93-104.
Abstract(462) HTML (212) PDF(18)
It is a more controversial issue that whether it is unconstitutional for the Federal Government to "intervene in" educational affairs. Although the 10th amendment established the fundamental principle of education power belongs to "the states or the people", exploring through history, the Federal Government continually "intervene in" educational affairs in a variety way. On the surface, the action of the Federal Government "intervene in" educational affairs based on the reason of "tradition", "national security" and "social welfare", "democracy and justice", but in fact, it is influenced by "pragmatic philosophy", "trend of social development and the whole transition of the Federal Government's power". Analyzed from the perspective of the concept "Power", according to the theory of "force", the Federal Government hasn't violated the federal constitution, however, according to the theory of "influence", the Federal Government has violated the federal constitution; but if we ignore the divergence caused by the vaguely character of concept "Power", analyzed form the dimension of the core spirit of "check and balance", "education power belongs to the people" of the Constitution, the Federal Government "intervene in" educational affairs hasn't violated the spirit of the Constitution.
Examining the Influencing Factors of Students' Decision-making in the New College Entrance Examination: Based on the Sample from Guangdong
SONG Chunyan, WANG Jinging
2023, (2): 105-112.
Abstract(790) HTML (226) PDF(33)
Although the New College Entrance Examination expands students' right to choose, it also puts forward requirements to their choices. This article is based on a sampling survey of senior grade one students in Guangdong Province, one of the third batch of the pilot provinces that adopted the New College Entrance Examination, is aimed to discover those factors that affect students' choice of subjects. Based on theories of career decision and analysis of the data, it is found that the primary factor that determines the student's choice of subjects is the opinions of significant others, including family members, relatives, friends, and teachers. The second is the opportunity factor, including future career and professional needs, etc. The last is the personal factors that reflect one's own advantages and interests. Therefore, it can be concluded that students, to a large extent, are unable to choose independently, so improving students' ability to choose independently has become a top priority. Since students and parents urgently need more guidance and services, it is necessary to establish a systematic guidance system of subject selection. For schools, it is necessary to build a system of curriculum guidance for subject selection in order to enhance students' overall ability of making choices. For the government, it is necessary to set up a service system of subject selection to improve the guidance of significant others such as teachers and parents.