Issue 2
Apr.  2024
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LU Shiyan. Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Visual Materials in Educational History: Case Study of Children's Games and The Nursery of Northeast Film Studio[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2024, (2): 27-36.
Citation: LU Shiyan. Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Visual Materials in Educational History: Case Study of Children's Games and The Nursery of Northeast Film Studio[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2024, (2): 27-36.

Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Visual Materials in Educational History: Case Study of Children's Games and The Nursery of Northeast Film Studio

  • Received Date: 2023-10-23
    Available Online: 2024-05-11
  • Publish Date: 2024-04-25
  • The value of visual historical materials has become increasingly prominent in the research on education history. The accurate interpretation of visual historical materials requires pluralistic and standardized research methods. Multimodal discourse analysis, as an emerging interdisciplinary method, has implications for the research of contemporary education history. In order to further clarify the practical applications of this method in the field of education history, this paper has selected a comprehensive analysis framework to analyse two cases, Children's Games (1560) and The Nursery of Northeast Film Studio (1948). Multimodal discourse analysis helps to broaden horizon, methodologies, and theoretical frameworks of the research on education history, and promote the interpretation of education history.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌,
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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