Issue 3
Jul.  2021
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FAN Guorui, Thomas S. POPKEWITZ. Education Policy and Education Reform in a Changing World[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2021, (3): 3-13.
Citation: FAN Guorui, Thomas S. POPKEWITZ. Education Policy and Education Reform in a Changing World[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2021, (3): 3-13.

Education Policy and Education Reform in a Changing World

  • Received Date: 2020-03-02
  • Publish Date: 2021-07-10
  • With the development of modern society, the formation of modern nation-states, the establishment and improvement of modern institutionalized school system and the development of universal compulsory education, the links between education and social life have become increasingly close. The two-way interaction between education and society has also become more frequent and complex. The development of social factors such as political democratization, globalization and information and communication technologies have a profound impact on the reform and development of education in different ways. Education policies, which are greatly influenced by politics, play an increasingly important role in the reform and development of education. At the same time, the paradigms of education policy studies based on different "styles of reasoning", such as problem-solving studies, empirical-analytic studies, historical and cultural studies, have not only diversified the development of educational policy research, making it a "prominent school" in the field of education studies, but also made the role of education policy studies in education policy-making and educational reform increasingly prominent. The two-volume Handbook of Education Policy Studies is the first educational policy research work co-edited by scholars from China and the United States. It brings together 38 original research articles by 48 authors from 16 countries and regions around the world. It not only reveals the complex relationship between contemporary educational reform and social change at the macro-level national educational policy changes, but also focuses on educational policy changes at the micro-level by examining policy and reform issues in school and teaching contexts.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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