Issue 1
Feb.  2024
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WANG Chen, LUO Qiubai. The Self and Nature in an Independent Life: An Exploration of Thoreau's Educational Practices and Thoughts[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2024, (1): 16-27.
Citation: WANG Chen, LUO Qiubai. The Self and Nature in an Independent Life: An Exploration of Thoreau's Educational Practices and Thoughts[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2024, (1): 16-27.

The Self and Nature in an Independent Life: An Exploration of Thoreau's Educational Practices and Thoughts

  • Received Date: 2023-07-03
    Available Online: 2024-03-25
  • Publish Date: 2024-02-25
  • Henry David Thoreau, an American writer, philosopher, and transcsendentalist in the 19th century, is famous for his masterpiece Walden. However, it is less well-known that Thoreau dedicated himself to educational practice briefly and kept lifelong attention on educational issues. This article made an analysis of Thoreau's educational thoughts by teasing out his life and works: As a school teacher, Thoreau advocated that a relatively equal teacher-student relationship should be established and that nature and real life could be seen as a teacher. As a lyceum lecturer, he thought that, adults as well as children, should receive education to avoid being ignorant. And as a self-culture practitioner, Thoreau pointed out that people should seek themselves in nature and live a simple life free from the burden of material possessions. The interpretation of Thoreau's educational thoughts, on one hand, is conducive to understanding Thoreau and broadening the spectrum and dimensions of making sense of his thoughts and transcendentalism; On the other hand, it helps further to dig out the educational meanings in Thoreau's opinions on the relationship freedom, self and nature which are still not out of date till today, to expect to provide enlightenment for today's educators and the educated.


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