2022 No. 1

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Educational Citizen and Rise of Parentological Studies:Rebranding and Academic Strategies for Parents' Substantive Participation in Education
LEE Jong-gak
2022, (1): 5-25.
Abstract(467) PDF(54)
This paper discusses the diagnosis and countermeasures for the in-depth reasons for the lack of effectiveness despite the government's policy on parental participation in education. It checks the current state of the public opinion on education and the situation in which the public opinion on education is being ignored, and confirms the existence of situations where you don't have to listen. Disregard for parents is due to the lack of parents' social presence, which is linked like a chain link due to difficulties in raising the voices of parents and insensitivity to parents' voices. This chain link is an in-depth reason that hinders the realization of parental independent and substantive participation in education. In order to cut off the chain of in-depth reasons, the first challenge is to form a social presence for parents. In order to support parents to take root in their social presence as an educational subject, resistance and struggle for recognition against the hostile culture towards parents are presented as tasks. It presents rebranding and academic strategies as a way to support solving these tasks. For rebranding, it points out the problems in the "social parent" and presents the " educational citizen" plan. Parent academic strategy is a task that theoretically supports educational subjectivity and educational participation while reflecting the three major identities of parents. The academic strategy can be largely composed of three parts:First, take a new perspective to ask questions and understand parents correctly; Second, look at education from the standpoint of parents; Third, resist a culture that is hostile toparents. Academic strategies not only involve parents, but also have a wide range of pedagogical significance. The government and educational circles should treat the problem of parents' quality with the awareness of teachers' quality. It is necessary to introduce a management strategy for education enthusiasm at the national level so that the government and the education community have the perspective and ability to nudge the educational energy of parents. The academic strategy aims for a symbiotic relationship in which the three-party relationship promotes mutual evolution through balanced research among the three actors of the state, teachers, and students-parents. The establishment of a symbiotic relationship between the three actors is a key task in establishing educational democracy and at the same time can be a new secret of sustainable educational development. The contents of teacher training education should include the knowledge of parents, and the professionalism of teachers should be transformed into a service professional culture that overcomes the exclusive professionalism of parents and actively accepts the participation of educational citizens. The policy principle of parental education participation should be changed to "activation after normalization" rather than "activation".
Historical Formation and Characteristics of Parental Educational Involvement Policies in Korea
LEE Soo-kwang, OH Jae-Gil
2022, (1): 26-40.
Abstract(506) PDF(48)
The purpose of this study was to analyze the historical formation and characteristics of Parental Educational Involvement Policies in Korea. The research results are as follows:After the " 5. 31 Education Reforms" promoted by the Kim Young- sam government, the social and legal status of parents in education has been improved. Before the " 5. 31 Education Reforms", parents were recognized as supporters and volunteers in school. Through the " 5. 31 Education Reforms", however, parents began to be recognized as educational sovereigns. With the School Governing Board being introduced, parents could participate in decision-making of school management. In addition, various support policies for parental empowerment were introduced. However, there needs to be some improvement of these Parental Educational Involvement Policies. First, the unequal relationship fixation caused by unbalanced power structure between school staffs including teachers and parents has persisted. Second, "Policy-Environment discord" and " Normative Policy discord" have been generated. Third, policies for improving the Collaborative Leadership of teachers are not established enough. Fourth, the policy to establish mutual communication system between parents and school is insufficient. Lastly, policies that take advantage of parent enthusiasm for education as a strategic asset are not sufficient. For post-Covid-19 era, a newly revised social deal on education should be established in Korea. In the new deal on education, Parental Educational Involvement Policies are needed to be more progressive and democratic.
The Rights Boundary, Interaction Mechanism and Educational Equity Between Home and School in Parentocracy Era
ZHAO Tongyou
2022, (1): 41-49.
Abstract(999) PDF(139)
The structural changes in global education and the rapid development of capital and market economy have once again highlighted the important role of parents in their children's education. Parentocracy offers a good opportunity to reconstruct the power relationship between parents and the school, and to pursue educational equity. However, the existence of the school as a rigid system, through the intermediary effect of technology, establish an unequal power control mechanism to interact with parents, which cultivates parents to be the subject of self-reform knowledge and triggers mutual supervision and capital competition among parents, strengthening the cultural and social reproduction functions of education. Research suggests that it is necessary to clarify the boundary of rights between parents and schools in theory and norms. It is necessary to fundamentally reflect on the nature of the knowledge that schools instill in parents, and to distinguish the educational and non-educational knowledge. It is also important to empower parents to develop' public parents' within parent group, in order to reduce the burden on teachers and create a fair educational environment.
“Claim Too Much Power”:A Critical Discourse Analysis of Home-School Conflicts in S School of G City
LIU Fuqi, XIE Ailei, XI Changhua
2022, (1): 50-59.
Abstract(609) PDF(50)
By using critical discourse analysis, this study tries to examine the causes of home-school conflicts in S school of G city. We pay particular attention to the statements of parents and teachers on their own positions and the power assumptions behind them in 15 home-school conflicts cases. The data analysis shows that the power claimed and exercised by parents and teachers are perceived by their counterparts as too much. We conceptualize this phenomenon as " Claim Too Much Power". The theoretical contribution of this study is that it emphasizes the shift from a realism perspective to a constructivism perspective in analyzing home -school conflicts. The power view of parents is based on consumerism to a certain extent, while the power view of school related subjects is based on professionalism to a certain extent.
Teachers' Paid Compensated Tuition:An In-depth Interpretation and Solution
LIN Dan, LI Guang
2022, (1): 60-65.
Abstract(487) PDF(47)
The long-standing problem of teachers' paid compensated tuition is, in a sense, not simply an educational issue, nor simply an issue of teacher's ethics, but a reflection of the social development of Chinese society in the social subsystem of education. The external causes of the problem mainly include:the overall anxiety of people in the process of modernization and social transformation, the influence of the "theatre effect" on the real values of educational development, and the failure of some educational administrative departments to monitor the situation. The internal roots of teachers' paid compensated tuition mainly include the fact that the phenomenon of teachers' paid compensated tuition is itself a huge market of " hit it off", and that some teachers have a low level of teacher ethics. There are three ways to solve the problem of teachers' paid compensated tuition:first, creating a value identity of " shouldn't have" by strengthening teachers' ethics, so that teachers " do not want" paid compensated tuition; second, creating a "redundant" exit effect by raising teachers' income, so that they are "unwilling" to do paid compensated tuition; third, creating an institutionalized " daunting" preventive mechanism, so that teachers " cannot" do paid compensated tuition.
Towards “Positive”:The New Trend of School Discipline Policy in Australian Government Schools
YIN Yali, MA Zaoming, SHE Yongxuan
2022, (1): 66-74.
Abstract(725) PDF(29)
In the 21st century, under the promotion of inclusive education concept and various social factors, the education discipline system in Australian government primary and secondary schools has undergone a change from the 1990s'"zero tolerance" to "positive" from legislation to practice. The newly revised School Discipline Policy in most Australian states in 2019 serves as a model for the " positive" educational discipline policy. It aims to protect the individual rights of students and promote the development of students' personality, it also covers the trinity of school governance with discipline guidelines, discipline improvement and multiple disciplines. As an extension of the School Discipline Policy, Australian government schools explore the implementation path of education discipline, it includes creating a restorative environment and developing peer mediation and meeting mediation skills. The types of disciplinary incidents are divided step by step, and the overall trend is towards " positive" disciplinary action. Based on the educational concept of " fairness and justice", hierarchical disciplinary measures and restorative disciplinary guarantee, the "positive" education discipline reflects new changes in the value orientation and opens a new direction for the development of education discipline in government primary and secondary schools in Australia.
2022, (1): 75-85.
Abstract(1102) PDF(135)
2022, (1): 86-96.
Abstract(401) PDF(15)
2022, (1): 97-104.
Abstract(405) PDF(23)
2022, (1): 105-110.
Abstract(327) PDF(22)