2022 No. 2

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Educational Behavior and Bounded Rationality:Reflections on the Behavioral Economics Perspective
2022, (2): 5-14.
Abstract(547) PDF(43)

From the perspective of behavioral economics theory, education carries on the understanding and discussion related educational behavior and relationship, through the rational man and society, as well as the analysis of teaching cases, need to emphasize to overcome the premise of rational people, as well as the average, the influence of the standardization system of education and its behavior, and lead to a kind of new education research angle of view, we should pay attention to the bounded rationality of educational actors, reaffirm the respect for individual differences and emphasize the essence of individualized teaching, so that our educational behavior and policy can be more in line with the actual needs and more reasonable.

2022, (2): 15-15.
Abstract(373) PDF(12)
2022, (2): 16-19.
Abstract(401) PDF(32)
2022, (2): 20-22.
Abstract(282) PDF(22)
2022, (2): 23-25.
Abstract(335) PDF(66)
2022, (2): 26-28.
Abstract(399) PDF(22)
Private Tutoring under the "Double Reduction" Policy:Risks of Disorder and Approaches of Regulation
YU Hui, HU Jinsong
2022, (2): 29-36.
Abstract(1313) PDF(202)

Under the national "Double Reduction" policy, the extracurricular tutoring market is undergoing transformation from institutional training to private tutoring. At present, private tutoring is facing risks of disorder because of its informal nature, examination orientation, and profit-making orientation. Without timely regulation, the development of private tutoring might produce negative effects on the implementation of "Double Reduction" policy, such as:increasing families' financial burdens; increasing students' academic burdens; aggravating educational competitions; and damaging educational equity. The approaches of regulating private tutoring are based on the balance of state power, individual choice, and rule of education. To this end, it is important to follow three essential value principles, including maintaining legitimacy, freedom of choice, and order of educational market.

Is There A Neighborhood Effect in Participating in Shadow Education? Evidences from the China FamilyPanel Studies
XU Dancheng, XUE Haiping
2022, (2): 37-45.
Abstract(402) PDF(140)

Based on the 2010-2018 data of the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), the binary Logit model is used to explore whether there is a neighborhood effect on students' participation in shadow education. The results show that:(1) There is a neighborhood effect for students participating in shadow education. The higher the shadow education participation rate in the same community, the greater the probability of individual students participating in shadow education. The result is still dramatical after including the lag period of the shadow education participation rate of the same community in the regression model. (2) The neighborhood effect of shadow education has gradually weakened, and the coefficient of shadow education participation rate in the same community has shown a downward trend year by year. Therefore, it is recommended that education administrative departments, schools and communities effectively implement the "double reduction" policy, broadening the ways of family-school-community education, and guiding parents to establish a scientific conciousness of parenting; residents and communities should cooperate with relevant departments to increase efforts to regulate the publicity content of off-campus training institutions to ease parents' education anxiety, which can suppress the neighborhood effect of shadow education in order to effectively reduce the burden on students.

Problems and Optimization Strategies in the Selection of Policy Instruments for After-school Services inChina——An Econometric Analysis Based on 27 Provincial Policy Texts
Deng Liang, Zhang Yifan
2022, (2): 46-55.
Abstract(543) PDF(18)

A two- dimensional analysis framework of policy tools and work elements was constructed based on content analysis, and an econometric analysis was conducted on the composition of after-school service policy tools of provincial governments in China. It is found that there is internal structural imbalance in the selection of after-school service policy tools, unevenness in policy supply, and mismatch between after-school service policy tools and work content elements, which adversely affect the implementation of after-school service work in China. By optimizing the structure of policy tools, the synergistic effectiveness of after-school service policies should be enhanced; enhancing the balance of policy tools to achieve the long-term goals of after-school service policies; and improving the matching of policy tools to create a favorable environment for the implementation of after-school service.

Primary School Parents' Homework Participation:Ways, Behavior and Improvement
KANG Naixin, XU Wenqi, FANG Zheng
2022, (2): 56-65.
Abstract(538) PDF(35)

Can and how can parents participate in students' homework under the "double reduction" policy? This study constructs the analytical framework of parents' homework participation methods at the theoretical level, adopts the mixed research method, carries out a questionnaire survey on 429 groups of students and parents, and conducts in-depth interviews with parents and teachers to investigate parents' participation methods and behavior in students' homework. The study found that when participating in students' homework in the way of independent support or control, response or intervention, parents' high sense of self -efficacy promoted their high-frequency and high response participation behavior. When participating in students' homework in the way of physical environment construction, parents' misunderstanding of the concept of autonomous learning and the lack of participation conditions and sense of experience lead to strong control and monitoring of their behavior. To improve primary school parents' homework participation, we should update parents' concepts, ensure students' dominant position in homework, promote home school linkage, strengthen communication and guidance of homework participation, activate social resources and help parents release their vitality.

Educational Value Of "Three Togethers" Rural Labor Education Curriculum to High School Students
YAO Xunqi, YUAN Haojing, XIAO Zhaoyun
2022, (2): 66-74.
Abstract(521) PDF(17)

Based on the "Three Together" labor education curriculum which has been carried out for more than 30 years in the Affiliated High School of Guangdong South China Normal University (SCNU), this study makes use of In-depth interviews with core teachers and conducts word frequency analysis and keyword extraction of student summary and alumni memoirs corpus for 218, 000 words. From the perspective of teachers and students, the educational value of "Three Togethers" labor education courses can be refined into three areas and ten aspects. The three areas are ideal responsibility, labor life and innovation aesthetics; the ten aspects include improving ideal beliefs, enhancing national identity, developing responsibility, setting up labor concepts, building labor spirits, fostering labor ability, forming labor habits and qualities, cultivating question-consciousness, developing inquiring ability and cultivating esthetic sentiment.

The Ecology and the Unexpected Consequence in Baoyan Involution:A Study of Students' Experiencesof Baoyan in an Elite University
HAI Ziyi, CHENG Meng
2022, (2): 75-86.
Abstract(905) PDF(153)

At present, the term "involution" is used to describe the excessive competition phenomena of elite universities, and "Baoyan" is an important aspect of this phenomena. Based on the in-depth interviews with eight undergraduate students in a "Double First-Class" university in Beijing, it is found that the excessive competition is embodied in "grabbing good points", bargaining chips and competing comparison. The performance oriented rules of "Baoyan" lead to commendatory and derogatory effects, aggravating the individual's self exploitation, which easily lead the students to "hollow" in the spiritual world, and cast "exquisite egoists" and involution personality. It not only endangers the physical and mental health of students and damages the spirite of knowledge, but also brings the long-term talent selection and cultivation of society and country the bitter fruit of single talent selection and utilitarianism. As individuals, college students are not only being trapped, but also reflecting on themselves, and trying to break through. Transcending the involution needs individual awakening, as well as ultimately depending on the institutional change and cultural remodeling of universities and even the whole society.

Higher Education Fiscal Spending and Universities Competitiveness:Spatial Features and DrivingForces Recognition
LIU Xiao-feng, LI Yan
2022, (2): 87-100.
Abstract(318) PDF(23)

Fiscal Spending on Higher Education is a key factor in promoting competitiveness of universities, which provides economical foundation and booster. Based on establishing indexes of higher education fiscal spending and competitiveness of universities and colleges, the research comprehensively leverage Coupling Degree Model, Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis and GeoDetector Model to discuss the spatial features and driving forces of coupling degree between higher education fiscal spending and competitiveness of universities and colleges. The result shows that coupling degrees among provinces are low and have obvious differential spatial features, with the spatial structure characteristics of disequilibrium in the whole and local clustering. The coupling degrees show that there is positive relationship between the higher education fiscal spending and competitiveness of universities which is divided mostly along the Hu's Line. On the southeast side of Hu's Line most regions are hot spots clustering area while on the northwest of Hu's Line most regions are cold spots clustering area. From the state view, government regulation plays an important role in guiding the coupling degrees, factors of coupling degree in eastern region are diversified and hierarchical and innovation boosting, faculty promoting, investment pulling, urbanization impelling, regional endowment play primary functions in the coupling degrees. Talent training structure, social serving, innovation boosting, and faculty promoting playing the primary roles in central region. In western region the coupling spatial difference mainly belongs to policy promoting type and talent training structure and investment pulling also have strong explanatory powers. In northeastern region the coupling degrees are mainly affected by government regulation, innovation boosting, talent training structure and faculty promoting.

Study on the Phenomenon of ‘History of Chinese Education' by Chen Qing-zhi in EducationalPublishing
2022, (2): 101-109.
Abstract(442) PDF(21)

“Ten years of grinding one sword”, Chen Qing-zhi's "The History of Chinese Education" has almost cost the time and energy of his prime. Since the publication, it has received rave reviews and was included in the "college-textbook series", using as a textbook prescribed by the Ministry of Education. Later, due to changes in the social situation, this work was silenced for forty years. After that, as the only book on the general history of Chinese education, it was selected into the "Republic of China Series". However, the academia has not been able to give corresponding status to Chen and Chen's work. It was not until the new century that it was completely changed. His work was favored, and many publishers reprinted it, which led to the rare "Chen Qing-zhi phenomenon" in educational publishing. There are both economic considerations and academic affirmations behind this phenomenon. History shows its own dialectics here. Living today, through the phenomenon, analyzing the person and his books is instructive for later studies.