2021 No. 5

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2021, (5): 3-3.
Abstract(507) PDF(46)
Review of the History of the Research on American Playground Movement over a Century
WEI Panpan, ZHANG Binxian
2021, (5): 4-12.
Abstract(497) PDF(27)
The playground movement in the late 19th and early 20th century had great impact on social change and public education in the United States. Since the emergence of the movement, American scholars have been studying it from different points and facets. However, there are few research on this movement in China. On the basis of ample materials, this paper expounds and analyzes the evolution of academic studies on the movement in different historical periods in terms of explanatory paths and concerned subjects and analyzes the reasons for the changes. According to this research, although the study of playground movement has reached a quite mature level which means that the research results are fruitful, including some classic masterpieces. The research perspective gradually changes and deepens; The foundation of historical materials is updated and expanded. However, there are still huge room for further research:break through the research path of exploring individual cases and grasp the overall process of the movement; strengthen the study of the important figures; increase the research of the history of the Playground Association of America.
Educational function of Museum in American: A Overall History
TIAN Jinyuan, SUN Yi
2021, (5): 13-19.
Abstract(1127) PDF(71)
Museums has taken responsibilities of social education since they were introduced to the United States from Europe in the 18th century. From the 19th century to the middle and late 20th century, the educational function of American museums had gone through serious evolution, including five development stages:the proposal of aesthetic function, the union with school education, the dispute between aesthetic and educational functions, the recognition from the government towards the educational function of museums and satisfied the multicultural need of public. It reflected the public raised different demands to museum education under different historical backgrounds and showed the important role of the government in building the museum educational function. By sorting the evolution of the American museum educational function, it helps to recognize the drawback and inspire the further improvement of the Chinese museum educational function.
The Origins of Children Services in Boston Public Library (1852-1896)
YAN Mengqi, SUN Yi
2021, (5): 20-26.
Abstract(550) PDF(30)
Children services in American public libraries refer to various measures designed and used for children to receive knowledge and improve their thinking ability, including providing appropriate and beneficial books, setting up special reading room and arranging professional librarians. In the development of American public libraries, children's services are regarded as one of the great contributions of this social institution. Boston Public Library is a pioneer in the field of children's services in the United States. From limiting children to setting up a special children's room, Boston Public Library has made active efforts to adapt to the changes of social concepts, which has provided rich experience for the development of children's services in Chinese public libraries.
Challenges and Strategies of Teachers’ Emotional Labor in Online Teaching
LI Min, ZHANG Shufei
2021, (5): 27-33.
Abstract(601) PDF(46)
During the outbreak of COVID-19, online teaching has gained an opportunity for positive development. Teachers' emotional involvement not only needs a unity of cognition and emotion, empathy and transference, but also provides support for teachers'comprehensive quality in online teaching. However, no matter in academia or in real teaching environment, or in the future teaching, teachers' emotional labor confronted with huge challenges such as the fact that cognition is more emphasized than emotion in duality, and the imbalance of effectiveness in time and space barriers and so on. In online teaching, teachers should pay attention to design teaching emotional goals, implement the way of emotion, emphasize emotional communication, and promote the teaching evaluation methods of the unity of cognition and emotion.
Study on the Key Competences of Excellent Teachers in the Era of“Internet +”: An Empirical Analysis Based on Grounded Theory
WANG Jiaxin, SHI Yudan
2021, (5): 34-41.
Abstract(540) PDF(47)
Adopting a grounded theory, this paper analyses and summarizes the interview materials of excellent teachers represented by 26 excellent teachers' studio in Guangdong Province and explores the composition of the key competences of excellent teachers from the perspective of in-service teachers, which includes professionalism, educational and teaching knowledge and skills, reflection and self-development, and the capacity of leading and demonstrating. Also, the multi-dimensional symbiotic relationship, the constant and change, necessity and realism of teachers' key competences in the era of "Internet +" are discussed and analyzed, so as to deepen the understanding of the key competences of excellent teachers as the advanced stage of professional development.
An Open, Flexible and Diversified Teacher Education System is an Imperative of China’s Educational Reform: The Dictation by Professor Wang Changchun
WANG Tianxiao, HUANG Yuhong, SUN Qiyong
2021, (5): 42-49.
Abstract(534) PDF(20)
In order to review the remarkable path taken by Chinese teacher education over the past 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially in the past 40 years since the reform and opening up, and to look forward to the direction of future development of teacher education with Chinese characteristics, the "Research Group of 70 Years of Higher Normal Teacher Education" interviewed Mr. Wang Changchun, a renowned scholar in the field of education studies in China. Mr. Wang reviewed the historical development of normal education in China, and expressed his unique view on the training of teachers in normal education colleges and universities, and gave his insight on issues such as teacher cultivation in normal universities, their educational nature and academic nature, and the future development of normal universities.
Gender Differences in the Acquisition of Unconscious and Conscious Fear Memory
YANG Yong, HE Anming, HUI Qiuping, ZHENG Xifu
2021, (5): 50-58.
Abstract(556) PDF(34)
In recent years, more and more researchers paid attention to the phenomenon that female are more likely to suffer from anxiety disorder. However, previous studies on gender differences in fear memory acquisition only considered conscious fear memory learning, but neglected the role of unconscious fear conditioning. Based on this, this study presents both unconscious and conscious conditioned stimuli in the process of fear conditioning, so as to investigate the gender differences in the acquisition process of unconscious and conscious fear memory simultaneously. The results show that males can rapidly acquire conscious fear memories and successfully identify unconscious safety information; in contrast, females are slower in acquiring conscious fear memory and show deficits in unconscious safety learning. According to these results, it may be a way to reduce the risk of anxiety disorder by strengthening the ability of individual female's unconscientious safety learning in education.
The Three Forms of Deep Learning: A Perspective Based on Development of Core Competencies for Chinese Students
ZUO Huang, XIE Shaofei
2021, (5): 59-65.
Abstract(751) PDF(82)
With the advent of the network era, the perspective of learning research is gradually moving from shallow learning to deep learning. Deep learning is not only an important mechanism for promoting the development of students' core competencies, but also a major learning approach for the future. The core competencies of Chinese students' development include " independent development", "social participation" and "cultural foundation", corresponding to the three foundations of human nature of Marxist philosophy i. e. " autonomy", " sociality" and " property of culture", which contain the three forms of deep learning. Individual cognitive network based on "autonomy", social interaction network based on "sociality" and "actor network" based on "property of culture" are the three forms of learning that promote students' deeper learning of cultural knowledge, as well as the development of their core competencies on self-development and social participation, characterized as "research-based learning", "project-based learning" and "action learning". The three forms of deep learning will play an important role in the formation and development of students' core competencies.
How to Improve Students’ Learning Motivation and Mastery: Experience from“2M” Educational Practice in Norway
GUO Hongrui
2021, (5): 66-72.
Abstract(530) PDF(36)
From 2012 to 2017, Norway launched a series of educational practices to improve learning motivation and mastery of junior secondary school students. " Learning motivation" refers to the driving force that triggers students' learning behavior, maintains learning state and ultimately leads to certain learning objectives. " Mastery" refers to students' ability and the level of mastery of knowledge acquisition on the one hand, and students' ability to master their own study and life on the other hand. The main content of this educational practice includes one core goal, two educational ideas, three driving tools, five main objectives and six behavioral subjects. The educational practice also takes some measures to promote the specialized characteristics of school curriculum, enriching a teacher's competence network, building a learning organization, and promoting the diversification of school cooperation, which provides useful insights into the reform and development of basic education in China.
The Training Experience of Group Cooperative Teaching: A Case Study on a Training Class in Dulangkou Secondary School
CHI Yanjie
2021, (5): 73-83.
Abstract(654) PDF(33)
Dulangkou Secondary School is a rural boarding school in Shandong Province. The school has carried out a reform in which the students in a class are divided into four to six groups, replacing the teacher-centered teaching model with a new one that is composed of a circle of four stages:students preview, cooperative learning and teacher's guidance, presentation, and feedbacks. This practice has aroused students' enthusiasm for learning. This paper uses a training class given by Teacher X of the school as a clue, recapturing the situation of the class by describing Teacher X's words and deeds, as well as inspiration of her emotional demonstration to students. Through the narratives of the students, this paper presents the experience and harvest of the students participated in the training, so as to reflect the value pursuit of group cooperative teaching and show the significance of experiential training in teachers' professional development.
Children’s Awareness of“Friends” and Friendship in Senior Kindergarten
LIU Xianghui, OUYANG Jiali
2021, (5): 84-92.
Abstract(676) PDF(42)
The development of children's cognition of friends and the behavior of making friends is conducive to the development of children sociality, and also helps parents and teachers to carry out educational activities. In this study, the children in senior kindergarten class were selected as the research object, and the cognitive status and characteristics of friends of senior class were studied and analyzed by using the interview and natural observation method. The results showed that the children's understanding of the connotation of friends in senior class remained in the appearance, and a few understood the inner meaning. The interaction between friends is dominated by positive emotions, believing that friends are close and equal. The range of making friends has obvious time and space characteristics. First, the time of making friends is long and the frequency is high. Second, keep the friendship for a long time; Third, the children's friends and spatial distance are positively correlated. In order to promote children's social development, improve their cognition of friends and making friends, four educational suggestions are put forward based on the factors influencing children's cognition of friends and the reasons for making friends. First, teachers and parents should pay attention to children and encourage them to communicate with their peers. Second, integrating into life and improving children's understanding of friends. Third, providing opportunities to create conditions for children to interact. Fourth, improving the children's strategy of making friends according to the situation.