2020 No. 2

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A Study on the Communication and Friendship between Chen Heqin and the Younger Generations
GUO Jingchuan
2020, (2): 2-7.
Abstract(491) PDF(21)
Communicating with younger generations was an important part of Chen Heqin’s educational life. Chen Heqin was concerned about the growth of young people and he supported their development. He perceived and cherished their talents very much and was pleased to help them to make progress. He not only patiently taught them advanced academic methods, but also supported their career development. At the same time, he also influenced the youths with his personality and knowledge which helped to cultivate generations of talents of pre-school education in modern Chinese history. As a result, he became a model of helping younger generations who in return respect the older generations. Their communication activities show us four significant features: the simplicity of communication between teachers and students, the extension of communication field, the lifelong influence on the youths and the educational nature of communication.
A Review of the Development of Chinese Preschool Teacher Professional Standards Since 1904
LI Zaolin, XU Hong
2020, (2): 8-14.
Abstract(574) PDF(41)
Since the beginning of preschool teacher education in China in 1904, the development of professional standards for preschool teachers have undergone four stages: the "nanny" mode period, the "care and education" mode period, the "cultivation" mode period and the "professional" mode period. Three main characteristics can be identified throughout the development of the preschool teacher professional standards, including: the interplay of educational foundation and global context in policymaking; the integration of occupational and professional identity of the standard’s subject; the construction of a systemic and normative standard system. Based on the analysis of the current situation of preschool teacher professional standards in China, this paper proposes several policy suggestions: the establishment of the teacher professional standards should start from adhering to the value principles and then go through the channel of policy making and eventually result in the quality of the standard’s content.
Progress and Trend of Research on Overseas Education in China since Reform and Opening-up: A Visualization Analysis of 1084 CSSCI Journal Papers
LIU Yujia, YE Manni
2020, (2): 15-25.
Abstract(472) PDF(162)
Using CiteSpace 5.0 software, this paper conducts a visualization analysis of the core authors, institutions and popular themes of 1 084 CSSCI source journal papers about overseas education published on CNKI since the Reform and Opening-up. This paper finds that research on overseas education in China has experienced a three-stage development: late-start and rapid development, great fluctuation and decreasing numbers, and small fluctuation and increasing numbers. This paper also reveals that although there has been insufficient cooperation between the authors and institutions on research, there have also been some positive features such as research focus has been concentrated; there is a trend of interdisciplinarity; the distribution of age of researchers are reasonable; academic ecology is well balanced. The overall research strength of normal universities in the field is strong, while the academic influence of non-normal universities is prominent. Moreover, there have also been increasing contribution from other types of educational institutions. The popular topics in the field include "overseas students", "overseas education", "trade in service for overseas education", and "internationalization of education". The frointiers of research area in the filed include "The Belt and Road Initiative", "international students coming to China", and "cross-cultural adaptation". This paper also provides suggestions on future research on overseas education: they should be conbined with practical issues of overseas education; the number of research output should be stable; there should be more communication and collaboration between researhers from different disciplines and geographic locations; there should be more research focusing on micro-level and emphasizing interdisciplinarity.
The Influence Mechanism of Teachers’ Career Well-being in Compulsory Education in Developing Areas
SONG Yu, HUANG Ruiping
2020, (2): 26-35.
Abstract(366) PDF(25)
This research investigated the influence of career development, welfare benefits, physical and mental health, social relationship and workload on teachers’ career well-being in developing areas in China. 4 776 teachers of compulsory education in three poverty-stricken counties in Guangdong were selected for questionnaire survey whose high reliability and structural validity were confirmed by reliability analysis and factor analysis. The study found that career development is the most important factor affecting teachers’ career well-being in developing areas, followed by social relationship, and welfare benefits indirectly affect teachers’ career well-being.
The Deconstruction and Path of Realization of the Future School: Interpretation Based on China Future School 2.0: Conceptual Framework
CHEN Qihui, LU Weikang
2020, (2): 36-45.
Abstract(927) PDF(50)
The Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences released the China Future School 2.0: Conceptual Framework in 2018. Based on my interpretation of the report, this paper proposes to develop the future school from the following aspects: the core nature of future schools is modernization of moral education and output; the time feature is reflected as action, value and technical characteristics; the spatial feature is reflected as globalization of education and sinicization of education. In the future, students will change their study time and their learning space will be a combination of reality and virtual reality. Moreover, student learning will be closely integrated with psychology and brain science. More attention will also be paid to the needs of students in classrooms and there will be more chances for students to connect classroom space to space in the outside society. With support of technology, future learning will show features of intelligence and differentiation.
Family Education in Contemporary China: A Preliminary Analysis of the Problems, Causes and Solutions Based on National Family Education Survey Report (2018)
CHANG Chengming
2020, (2): 46-50.
Abstract(1746) PDF(236)
The National Family Education Survey Report (2018) was released in September 2018. This paper presents a systemic review of the report, revealing that the prominent challenges of family education in China include: a strong exam-oriented belief; the neglect of non-intellectual factors (such as morality, psychological development and personal interest); the barriers in home-school communications. This paper proposes several solutions regarding the challenges: improving the familial educational supporting system; guiding the parents to improve their parenting skills; reforming the mechanisms of educational evaluation and school entrance to shape the exam-oriented belief and to promote the quality education; realizing the primary duties of parents in education to reinforce home-school collaboration.
A Preliminary Analysis of Financial Neutrality in Compulsory Education: Based on Data from 121 Counties in Guangdong Province
ZOU Jingying
2020, (2): 51-56.
Abstract(348) PDF(12)
This paper examines the differences in the compulsory education funding per capita of the 121 counties in Guangdong Province during 2015-2017. The findings reveal huge differences with a rising gap. Using the panel data to test the financial neutrality of county-level compulsory education, this paper identifies that the differences in county-level economic development significantly affect the difference in the per-county compulsory education costs, particularly in the junior secondary education stage. In order to improve the financial neutrality of compulsory education in Guangdong Province and to narrow the inter-county gaps, the government should take the following reforms: improving the provincial-level fundraising mechanisms to enhance the amount of financial transfer payments to 18 counties in western Guangdong; second, reinforcing the provincial-level compulsory education financial incentive measures, so as to promote the county-level government’s financial support to increase its investment on compulsory education.
Facilitating Five-Dimensional Cultivation through “Wall Culture”: A Case Study of Primary School A in Guangdong Province
2020, (2): 57-61.
Abstract(588) PDF(40)
To cultivate the socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics and labor is a key aim of fundamental education in China. As an important part of school culture, "wall culture" should realize its invisible cultivation functions in the following aspects: to focus on the essence of the school’s culture; to help teachers and students establish a consciousness of all-round development; to facilitate the educational activities targeting students’ all-round development. Empirical analysis identifies several practical barriers hindering the functions of "wall culture": emphasizing more design over refinement, emphasizing more publicity over education, and emphasizing more adults over children. The "wall culture" should be rooted in the school’s operational features, teaching activities and student activities to realize its function of promoting students’ all-round development.
The Current Situations and Ideal Conditions of Popularization of Senior Secondary Education: The Perspective of County Level Endogenous Development
SONG Yingying
2020, (2): 62-66.
Abstract(459) PDF(15)
Although the senior secondary school enrolment rate in China has been enhanced in recent years, some practical problems can still be identified: the imbalance of student proportion between academic and vocational high schools; the institutional barriers between the academic and vocational high schools; the homogeneity of academic high school; the insufficient attraction of vocational high school. The main challenge in the senior secondary educational development is how to realize connotation development along with the popularization of high schools. From the perspective of cunty level endogenous development, this paper proposes several solutions to reinforce the quality of education in senior secondary stage, including: re-framing the policy system; optimizing the structural layout; promoting the integration of academic and vocational education; establishing cooperation mechanisms. The eventual policy aim is to cultivate the contributors and successors of socialism who develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically in an all-round way.
A Study on the Educational Value and Inheritance Path of Children’s Folk Games in Jiangxi Province
2020, (2): 67-71.
Abstract(546) PDF(37)
Children's folk game is an important part of Chinese traditional folk culture, but its educational value has often been ignored in recent years. The introduction of children's folk games in kindergartens is not only conducive to enrich education contents, but also conducive to integration of various educational resources. Jiangxi Province is famous for its traditional cultures, such as "red" revolutionary culture, mountain culture, Hakka culture and porcelain culture. The rich cultures in Jiangxi has helped to develop rich folk games for children. The children’s folk games in Jiangxi can be divided into four types: sports games, intellectual games, role-play games and language games. It is important to inherit and further develop Jiangxi children’s folk games, so as to realize their great educational value.
The Internal and External Mechanisms of theTop-tier Teacher Honour System: Implications from the Case of National Teacher of the Year in the U.S.
WANG Ying, ZHAO Yuanqi
2020, (2): 72-80.
Abstract(415) PDF(19)
The American "National Teacher of the Year" (NTOY) program is a representative teacher honour system in Western countries. It is a result of struggling between different groups under the domestic and international contexts. The success of the NTOY program is facilitated by both internal and external factors. In terms of the internal factors, the following mechanisms serve as the base of a good selection condition: the principle of equal selection, multiple evaluation criteria, a professional review panel and a rigorous review process. As for the external relations, NTOY has a unique and close relationship with domestic political field, local communities, schools and international education communities. The American experiences offer valuable implications for the reform of national teacher honour system in China: from an internal point of view, a series of fair and standardized selection mechanisms should be established; from an external perspective, cross-field and transnational communication and cooperation are necessary; in addition, the reform and innovation should be guided by the principle of localization.
A Study on the Influence of Social Expectation on Doctoral Students’ Choice of Doctoral Study: From the Perspective of Identity Theory
ZHAO Wanxia, ZOU Juan
2020, (2): 81-88.
Abstract(724) PDF(68)
This research uses qualitative research method to explore the influence of social expectation on doctoral students’choice of doctoral study. This research selected ten doctoral students as the interviewees, and focused on four influencing factors in their choice of studying: family, marriage, gender and regional tradition. The result shows that the original family has the most basic and important influence on doctoral students’choice of studying. Students from families with advantaged cultural capital make their decision of pursuing doctoral study based on very different factors from those from families with disadvantaged cultural capitals. While marriage and gender are also important factors in their choice of studying, regional tradition does not show the same strength of influence.
A Review of the Talent Policy of Regional University by the Approach of Connotation Development: An Analysis of the In-service Doctoral Study Policy of Six Case Universities
CAO Yanjie, LI Min
2020, (2): 89-95.
Abstract(364) PDF(22)
One of the key indicators to measure the quality of academic staff in university is the proportion of staff with doctoral degree. This paper analyses the policy texts of the in-service doctoral study policy and its implementation in six regional universities in northern and southern China. It identifies some shortcomings of the existing policy and puts forward suggestions for the education authorities and universities to improve the in-service doctoral study policy. The aim is to improve the overall quality of the regional universities through improving the quality of their academic staff.