2023 No. 5

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Clarification of the Origin of the "Moral, Intellectual, Physical, Aesthetics and Labor Education"
XU Jun
2023, (5): 5-20.
Abstract(473) HTML (288) PDF(186)
The opposition of Labor Education as a part of Well-Rounded Education is based on the argument that it is includable and especially inhomogeneous to other parts. The inhomogeneity of Labor Education comes from the fact that Labor Education is not a reasonable part of "mental education" - a concept in Wang Guowei's article "On Education Aim". The framework given in that article is actually assembled from two ready-made frameworks of Japanese scholars, which contains many antinomies and mistakes. Early around 1900, the idea of "moral, intellectual and physical education" was already a general knowledge to Chinese. Cai Yuanpei proposed the concept of aesthetic education and made it the fourth part of education aim independent from Wang Guowei. Compared with Wang Guowei's framework, Cai Yuanpei's version of "moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education" does not refer to "mental education" and contains no mistake. The disputation concerning incluability or inhomogeneity is invalid to Cai Yuanpei's framework. The historical status of "On Education Aim" is seriously overestimated. We should eliminate the resulting negative impact and uphold Labor education as the five part of well-rounded education confidently.
Constructing the "Culturally Deprived Children": Histories and Politics of the "Culture of Poverty" during the US War on Poverty
2023, (5): 21-33.
Abstract(445) HTML (231) PDF(100)
The culture of poverty theory is often used in today's educational research to explain how the culture and education of poor families lead to the intergenerational transmission of their economic conditions. This theoretical discourse emerged as a kind of "poverty knowledge" in the United States War on Poverty project during the mid-twentieth century. By tracing the large-scale educational interventions for poor children as the main part of this project from the theoretical perspective of critical poverty studies, this article examines how the knowledge about the "culture of poverty" was invented by American social psychological experiments and anthropological field research, and then adopted by the US federal government as the theoretical basis for the War on Poverty, and also translated by education researchers and administrators into three kinds of assumptions about the "culturally deprived children". The curriculum and teacher education programs that took up these assumptions to intervene in the dropout students became a far-reaching but unnoticed undercurrent in the curriculum reform of the 1960s. Such dropout interventions were eventually combined with standardized tests to create a de facto triage of students in the name of equal opportunity, which exacerbated rather than eliminated the sense of deprivation of poor students and the fragmentation within society.
Research on Kindergarten Teachers' Chinese Traditional Cultural Literacy and Traditional Cultural Curriculum Development Ability: the Mediated Role of Curriculum Participation
PENG Qian, LIANG Yulan, ZHANG Limin
2023, (5): 34-50.
Abstract(730) HTML (326) PDF(134)
Strengthening the construction of Chinese excellent traditional culture curriculum in kindergartens is the only way to lay the foundation of young children's cultural confidence in kindergarten education. How to improve the quality of kindergarten traditional culture curriculum development? As the agency of kindergarten-based curriculum development, kindergarten teachers' ability of curriculum development is very important. Some studies have emphasized that the traditional cultural literacy and curriculum participation of primary and secondary school teachers affect their curriculum development ability, but the relationship and the influence path of the three have not been clarified. In this study, 5, 114 kindergarten teachers in Guangdong province were surveyed by the snowball sampling. The results showed that kindergarten teachers' traditional cultural accomplishment, traditional culture curriculum participation and the ability of traditional cultural curriculum development were of medium level, and increase with age, teaching age, teaching years, educational level, title, position and kindergarten's level. Teachers working in city and public kindergarten scored higher than those working in village and private kindergarten. The traditional cultural literacy and curriculum participation of kindergarten teachers can significantly predict their cultural curriculum development ability, with curriculum participation playing a mediated role between traditional cultural literacy and traditional cultural curriculum development ability. In view of the research results, the following suggestions are put forward: to empower teachers to deeply involve in curriculum development through cooperative and reflective teaching practice, it is necessary to give full play to the role of professional learning community to promote teachers' professional learning based on traditional culture curriculum.
Empirically Examining the Effects of Parental Absence in Early Childhood on Adolescents' Competence Development: the Perspective of the Life-course Theory
FANG Jianhua, SHI Xiaoqing
2023, (5): 51-65.
Abstract(366) HTML (180) PDF(108)
Based on the baseline data of the China Education Panel Survey (CEPS), the study utilized OLS regression and propensity score matching to investigate the effects of parental absence in early childhood on the development of adolescents' abilities from the perspective of life course theory. The study found that parental absence in early life can significantly promote the development of adolescents' cognitive abilities, while significantly inhibit the development of adolescents' non-cognitive abilities; parental absence in early life has a heterogeneous impact on adolescents' ability development due to family economic conditions and urban-rural differences, which mainly manifests as a positive impact on the development of adolescents' cognitive abilities in urban and non-poor families, and a negative impact on the development of non-cognitive abilities in rural adolescents; at the same time, it has a negative impact on the cognitive abilities of rural adolescents; at the same time, the superiority of early family economic conditions did not lead to more significant long-term gains in non-cognitive ability for adolescents compared to adolescents experienced poverty in their early years. Parents should pay attention to the investment of time and emotion while providing material support for their children to prevent the accumulation of disadvantages; the government and society should pay attention to the early development of disadvantaged children and provide more support and assistance for their growth.
University-wide Entrepreneurship Education: A Qualitative Research of Thirteen American Universities
ZHUO Zelin, HUANG Peilei, ZHOU Wenwei
2023, (5): 66-77.
Abstract(363) HTML (280) PDF(107)
The Kaufman Foundation in America is committed to promoting full-school entrepreneurship education in the United States. Based on the fieldwork and qualitative research of the 13 universities funded by the Kaufman Foundation, it was found that the number of full-time tenure entrepreneurship mentors, the enthusiasm of non business school students who register for entrepreneurship courses, the number and type of the start-up courses, as well as the university's internal provision of the teaching of entrepreneurship education, are significantly improved. Although the "reversion phenomenon" of university-wide entrepreneurship is found in the later period of the Kauffman program, as a whole, it still shows sustainable development in universities and colleges. The practice and trends of university-wide entrepreneurship in the American higher education institutions can afford reference and enlightenment to the development of entrepreneurship education in the Chinese universities, such as the construction of entrepreneurship curriculum and the recruitment of full-time entrepreneurship mentors.
Intended Learners, Teaching Content, Instructors, and Pedagogy in Entrepreneurship Education
WANG Xuyan, HUANG Wenjing, ZHONG Yuxing
2023, (5): 78-87.
Abstract(364) HTML (170) PDF(15)
International research and attention on entrepreneurship education have gradually strengthened. How to teach entrepreneurship will be a key topic in future entrepreneurship education research. This study discusses four basic issues of entrepreneurship education: teaching objects, teaching content, teaching staff, and teaching paradigms. It presents the latest observations and understandings of current global trends in entrepreneurship education development. First, entrepreneurship education should be lifelong. The current global practices of entrepreneurship education cover different fields including primary education, higher education, vocational education, continuing education, and lifelong learning. The target audience of entrepreneurship education is highly heterogeneous, including groups such as entrepreneurs, academics, achievement-seeking individuals, supporters of entrepreneurial activities, and early recipients of entrepreneurship education. Second, entrepreneurship education should shift from teaching content to stimulating the occurrence of students 'learning. Additionally, teachers' roles should transform from "authority" to "collaborator" and "facilitator". The subjects of entrepreneurship education are expanding, including university researchers and teachers, enterprise mentors and industry experts from the practical field, teachers across disciplines, and organizers of entrepreneurial practices. Finally, the entrepreneurship education padagogy in today's world can be categorized into four paradigms: teaching "about" entrepreneurship, teaching "for" entrepreneurship, teaching "through" entrepreneurship, and teaching "beyond" entrepreneurship.
Regional Difference, Dynamic Evolution and Development Forecast of Higher Education Resource Allocation in China
LIU Hui, MA Haoxin
2023, (5): 88-99.
Abstract(468) HTML (548) PDF(62)
Based on the education evaluation theory and the panel data of 31 provinces and municipalities from 2010 to 2020, this paper constructs an evaluation system for the allocation level of higher education resources and calculates the allocation level of higher education resources in provinces and regions. Through Dagum Gini coefficient decomposition, kernel density estimation and Markov chain method, the study analyzes the regional difference, dynamic evolution and development forecast of higher education resource allocation. The empirical results show that the overall difference of higher education resources allocation is gradually expanding and inter-regional difference is the main source of the overall difference. The overall level of higher education resource allocation in China is on the rise, but the absolute difference between regions is increasing, which gradually changes from unipolar to multipolar. There exists the phenomenon of "club convergence" in the allocation of higher education resources, which is difficult to produce leapfrog transfer. Spatial factors have significant influence on the allocation and upgrading of higher education resources. On the way to improve the quality of higher education in our country, we should continue to strengthen the policy guidance, establish a dynamic mechanism and promote cross-regional cooperation to accelerate the all-round high-quality development of our higher education.
A Comparative Study of the Scale, Level, and Economic Effects of Higher Education Development in the Five Major Urban Agglomerations
ZHAO Wenxue
2023, (5): 100-112.
Abstract(360) HTML (157) PDF(41)
Through the organization and analysis of relevant data from the "China Urban Statistical Yearbook", "China Statistical Yearbook", and the official website of the Ministry of Education from 2000 to 2019, it is found that higher education in the five major urban agglomerations in China has shown a rapid expansion in scale, a balanced layout, and an improved level of development. But there are also significant differences: in terms of relative scale, the order of the number of college students per 100000 people in school is from high to low: Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Chengdu-Chongqing; From the perspective of degree hierarchy, the education comprehensive index is ranked in descending order: Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Chengdu-Chongqing, middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and Pearl River Delta. The empirical analysis results show that the expansion of higher education scale and the improvement of degree levels are conducive to promoting regional economic growth, but both have "turning points". The relative scale of higher education in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta has exceeded the turning point, and the comprehensive education index of all urban agglomerations is still on the left side of the turning point. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region should attach importance to the coordinated development of higher education within the region. The Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta can vigorously develop graduate education to enhance the level of higher education. Chengdu-Chongqing and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River should focus on consolidating undergraduate and vocational education and continuing to expand the scale of higher education.