Issue 5
Sep.  2023
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WANG Xuyan, HUANG Wenjing, ZHONG Yuxing. Intended Learners, Teaching Content, Instructors, and Pedagogy in Entrepreneurship Education[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2023, (5): 78-87.
Citation: WANG Xuyan, HUANG Wenjing, ZHONG Yuxing. Intended Learners, Teaching Content, Instructors, and Pedagogy in Entrepreneurship Education[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2023, (5): 78-87.

Intended Learners, Teaching Content, Instructors, and Pedagogy in Entrepreneurship Education

  • Received Date: 2023-06-13
    Available Online: 2023-11-06
  • Publish Date: 2023-09-25
  • International research and attention on entrepreneurship education have gradually strengthened. How to teach entrepreneurship will be a key topic in future entrepreneurship education research. This study discusses four basic issues of entrepreneurship education: teaching objects, teaching content, teaching staff, and teaching paradigms. It presents the latest observations and understandings of current global trends in entrepreneurship education development. First, entrepreneurship education should be lifelong. The current global practices of entrepreneurship education cover different fields including primary education, higher education, vocational education, continuing education, and lifelong learning. The target audience of entrepreneurship education is highly heterogeneous, including groups such as entrepreneurs, academics, achievement-seeking individuals, supporters of entrepreneurial activities, and early recipients of entrepreneurship education. Second, entrepreneurship education should shift from teaching content to stimulating the occurrence of students 'learning. Additionally, teachers' roles should transform from "authority" to "collaborator" and "facilitator". The subjects of entrepreneurship education are expanding, including university researchers and teachers, enterprise mentors and industry experts from the practical field, teachers across disciplines, and organizers of entrepreneurial practices. Finally, the entrepreneurship education padagogy in today's world can be categorized into four paradigms: teaching "about" entrepreneurship, teaching "for" entrepreneurship, teaching "through" entrepreneurship, and teaching "beyond" entrepreneurship.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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