2021 No. 2

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The Birth of “Manifesto of the Deaf Community” and its Tension for Educational Practice
HE Xiaoxing
2021, (2): 2-16.
Abstract(668) PDF(33)
The publication of the "Manifesto of the Deaf Community" is an epochal event in the history of special education in Japan. It clearly states a powerful viewpoint:Deafness is not a disability, but a culture. The basic concepts advocated by the "Manifesto of the Deaf Community" are recognizing the cultural identity of the deaf and endowing the Sign Language the status as a true language. Based on this concept, Japanese deaf education also provides vivid teaching cases at the practical level, which are designed to advertise the value of the deaf in the sense of difference, to conceive the "integration" into the hearing world, and to explore the possibility of coexistence with the hearing world. This article suggested that the possibility of coexistence should first be based on whether hearing people can truly abandon stereotype that deafness is equivalent to disability. Although there are different voices and even conflicts at the two levels of educational concept and practice surrounding the "Manifesto of the Deaf Community", the production and dissemination of "Deaf Culture" concepts actually enable people to notice the Deaf people's own language——The charm and practical significance of "Japanese sign language". Only by letting more Hearing people embrace that deafness is a social construction rather than a disability in concept and practice to form a powerful force for social reform, can we truly get access to the coexistence.
Different Interpretations of Concepts of Curriculum and Teaching
CHEN Guisheng
2021, (2): 17-19.
Abstract(400) PDF(34)
This paper attempts to distinguish between concepts of "curriculum" and "teaching", arising from the incomprehension of separation between the study of "curriculum theory" and "teaching theory". The so -called "kecheng" (curriculum) and "jiaoxue" (teaching) are Chinese translations of original words of foreign language, while the general and secular understanding of "education" (translated as jiaoyu xue in Chinese) was something that only gradually developed during the formation of modern society. The basic concepts of P dagogik (translated as "jiaoyu xue" in Chinese) are mostly new words constructed based on certain words in ancient Latin or Greek. Its semantics or conceptual connotations need to be explored in the long future. Teaching without curriculum or curriculum without teaching are seen unthinkable for people in China, but in the outside world, "curriculum" is a concept that has emerged late in response to the need to reform teaching. The research results seem to suggest a new theory. It shows that although our country can benefit from the introduction of Western studies to the East, it can also make mistakes.
The Love-hate Dilemma of Western Patriotism as Understood by MacIntyre, Nussbaum and Others
CHIEN Chenghsi
2021, (2): 20-34.
Abstract(603) PDF(48)
Since the Enlightenment, liberalism highlights individual autonomy. Correspondingly, civic education put emphasis on restriction of state power and counterbalance between rights and obligations, instead of patriotism, identity, loyalty, sacrifice and other positive virtues. In the view of liberalism, patriotism and nationalism might lead to chauvinism. On the other side, communitarianism represented by A. MacIntyre believes country is of constitute value so that patriotism is ought to be treated squarely. In contrast, Nussbaum declares that cosmopolitanism should precede over patriotism from the perspective of moral universalism and global communication. Besides, Y. Tamir advocates liberal nationalism, while M. Viroli proposes to patriotism without nationalism, both of which attempt to neutralize the tension between communitarianism and liberalism. As far as I am concerned, not merely the debates about patriotism in western world is valuable for the Eastern, but the Western had better review their anti-china behaviors in the aspects of politics and economy nowadays. In brief, it is not supposed to hinder globalization, cooperation between east and west and world peace, when the west summons the spirit of patriotism.
Making Education like Magnet: The Educational Inspirations of Plato's Aesthetics
JU Yucui, XU Jinyuan
2021, (2): 35-42.
Abstract(553) PDF(21)
Plato's aesthetic thoughts enlighten on how to make education more attractive. The magneto metaphor in his dialogues shows a wonderful realm worth pursuing for education. The idea of beauty is the source of magnetism, which leads people to the harmony of body and mind, and stimulates their creativity. The ladder from one thing to many things to the idea of beauty also provides the carrier for achieving beauty, for all things on the ladder of beauty are magnetic and become magnets because they share the idea of beauty, which indicates that educators should build and optimize curriculum according to the ladder of beauty, so that people at different stages of development can experience the harmonious of courses and hearts and climb the ladder to appreciate beauty. To make education attractive like a magnet, educators need to transmit magnetic force like an iron ring, so that more students can join in the construction of educational magnetic field.
The Dialectical Development that The Conception of Nature in Philosophy of Education: from Comenius, Rousseau to Dewey
SU Qimin, HE Yang
2021, (2): 43-56.
Abstract(852) PDF(36)
The conception of nature has experienced a three dialectical development process in history of philosophy of education:extrinsic nature, nature within us and interactive nature. The conception of extrinsic nature is represented by the idea of Comenius who emphasizes that nature is namely the common order of things and education should follow it. Rousseau's idea is regarded as the representative of the conception of nature within us which advocates that nature means the natural instincts of human and education should leave it free. The conception of interactive nature is represented by Dewey's thought which attempts to reconcile those two above conceptions of nature, believing that nature is the experience which is produced by the interaction between man as well as environment and education should promote its continuous growth through interaction. They provided diverse perspectives of the relationship among nature, education and people.
Making Nationals Through Writing of Commonsense Knowledge in Literacy Textbooks
ZHOU Huimei
2021, (2): 57-65.
Abstract(350) PDF(14)
For out-of-school adults, literacy textbooks may be the first or even the only books they own. Following the ancient motto of "reading books to gain insights", they are more likely to accept the value choices and given concepts conveyed by textbooks. As a vehicle, literacy textbooks carry many considerations such as "who" determines, "whose" knowledge is conveyed, what kind of knowledge is conveyed and the value orientation of this knowledge. Literacy textbooks thus construct a unique discourse system which not only imparts basic literacy skills, but also shapes the nationals, endowing the act of literacy a social and political significance. Using the textbooks of "Thousand Characters" edited by the editorial office of the Ministry of Education in 1930s as the data sources, this paper analyses how the government and the intellectual elites framed and modified the values of the out-of-school population through literacy textbooks, and reveals how commonsense knowledge were reproduced through literacy textbooks.
Running Activities of Shanggong Primary School Affiliated to the Commercial Press
LI Yong, WANG Zhi
2021, (2): 66-76.
Abstract(446) PDF(14)
the Commercial Press opened the Shanggong Primary School with the aim of teaching new citizens and experimenting textbooks in 1905. The School has conformed to the trend of progressive education experiment and grasped the pulse of modern Chinese education reform in 27 years. It accumulated the rich and advanced hardware conditions, sets up a by Zhuang Yu, Wu Research, Yang Xianjiang, Ye Shengtao and other educational masters. Shanggong Primary School has set up the curriculum according to the experience of the students. It explores the student's potential through the educational experiment, such as group teaching, Gray System and Dalton Plan. The school constantly explored the student autonomy model and compiled the teaching material with the times. It opened up the precedent of publishing support education and education feedback publishing.
A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Interactive Children's Education between Chinese and British Cultural Venues
CHE Yansen
2021, (2): 77-82.
Abstract(438) PDF(22)
With the gradual emergence of the educational efficiency of cultural venues, child visitors have become the focus of attention of cultural venues in China and the UK. This paper investigates the effectiveness of children's education in Chinese and British cultural venues. It sorts out the effectiveness of attracting children's education in Chinese and British cultural venues and identifies several challenges in children's educational efficiency in China:increasing entertainment, interaction and integration of local cultural characteristics, etc. Based on the analysis, this paper puts forward suggestions to improve the effectiveness of children's education in Chinese cultural venues:promoting interactive education and strengthening the planning of children's Zone in cultural venues can improve the effectiveness of practical education in cultural venues.
2021, (2): 83-90.
Abstract(405) PDF(11)
2021, (2): 91-92,96.
Abstract(192) PDF(13)
2021, (2): 93-96.
Abstract(302) PDF(13)