2020 No. 3

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The Gain and Loss of the Influence of Informationization and Artificial Intelligence on Education Modernization
HAO Wenwu
2020, (3): 2-7.
Abstract(686) PDF(38)
There is no doubt that the technological progress with informationization and artificial intelligence as the core will promote human civilization, social progress and national modernization. Informationization and artificial intelligence are important features of educational modernization. They not only provide better conditions and higher requirements for learning and education, but also bring many problems to school life, learning and education. To promote the modernization of education, we should not only actively promote the informatization and artificial intelligence of education, but also be highly alert to and resolutely eliminate the harm, wich brought by informatization and artificial intelligence, and never turn the education of cultipating human into the activities of cultiuating robot non-human and machine adults.
The Urgency of Cultivating Basic Moral Literacy from the Perspective of the COVID-19 Pandemic
GAO Desheng
2020, (3): 8-15.
Abstract(357) PDF(33)
In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese people have shown a quality of accomplishment that has attracted the attention of the world. This quality has empowered us to get out of the disaster of the epidemic. Needless to say, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has also exposed a number of problems. From the perspective of moral literacy, there is urgency in the promotion of environmental literacy, humanitarian spirit, character of honesty, living habits, literacy of international understanding, philanthropic literacy, professionalism and memory quality, etc. Moral literacy is the core of core literacy, and it is the improvement of moral literacy that is the key to core literacy development.
Absence of Society and Cultivation of Moral Individual——Re-examining Durkheim’s Moral Education
XIANG Jifa, BAI Jinping
2020, (3): 16-26.
Abstract(601) PDF(178)
Durkheim attributed French social anomie to a deficiency of collective consciousness. In his view, individuals gained more and more opportunities for free development in the society with the acceleration of social division of labor, making it possible for individuals to achieve free development apart from the society.The key to solve the problem of social anomie is to establish a new moral system to arouse people’s collective consciousness, guide individuals to discard extreme individualism, and cultivate individuals with moral consciousness.Durkheim believed that individuals should have moral consciousness in the general sense: the spirit of discipline, the sense of group attachment and the spirit of autonomy. Durkheim firmly believed that school education was the most effective way to cultivate moral individuals, and teacher authority and school punishment could cultivate children’s respect and obedience to discipline. School environment and teaching content can cultivate students’ attachment to the group, and then rise to the attachment to the society. Science teaching can guide children to use reason to understand society and morality, and eventually train children to be moral individuals who abide by norms and attach to groups and realize rational freedom.
Demobilization or Restoration:National Conference on Educational Demobilization and the Construction of Higher Education in the Inland of China
2020, (3): 27-34.
Abstract(554) PDF(31)
The internal migration of universities caused by the Anti-Japanese war has destroyed the order of the development of China's higher education and changed the existing distribution pattern of China's higher education. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the educational demobilization was committed to the restoration of higher education order.In addition, it reshaped the pattern of higher education. The convening of the National Conference on Demobilization of Education reflected the tension between returning home and taking root in the inland, the contradiction between university tradition and the needs of the state. After some debates, the old pattern has not been completely changed, and the new sprouts have been initially supported, thus showing the development pattern of China's higher education which promotes the regional distribution balance with the state administrative power.
Fiscal Criss of Central Government and Pattern Variation of National Universities in Eady Republic of China
XUE Guorui
2020, (3): 35-42.
Abstract(410) PDF(18)
In the early 1920s, the education finance of the central goverment faced a serious crisis, and the sources of funding for the national universities were seriously challenged. National universities have been established in various forms throughout the country, such as the conversion of the national higher normal school to the national university, the reorganization of the original higher technical college into a national university, and the direct financing of a new national university. The “central-local” distribution pattern of the national university initially formed. The main source of funding for the national university education, from relying on the central financial supply, extended to central finance and local finance, social donations and other channels to share the diverse pattern. At the same time, the problems of the decline of the quality of education, the conflicts between normal character and academic character, and the change of the pattern of administrative power within the universities also appeared in the national universities. National universities and educational communities were advocating the independence of education funds and university autonomy.
Institutional and Cultural Analysis of Rituals and Academic Regulations in Chinese Ancient Acade mies
YIN Jianfeng, CHEN Qingqing
2020, (3): 43-50,72.
Abstract(368) PDF(25)
“Respect to the Holies” and “Academic Pursuits” were the two main threads of the education and cultural heritage of Chinese ancient academies. The two are mainly reflected in the rituals and academic regulations of academies, and they permeated each other. An institutional and cultural analysis of academies’ rituals and academic regulations shows: the sacrifice and lecturing during the rituals express the educational beliefs of “respect for the holy”;the worship of ancestors and mentoring from teachers and classmates indicate specific educational ideas and laid foundation for the education system. The academic rules of academies regulated the educational activities of “academic pursuits”, including three aspects: the system norms, academic authority and the independent running of academies. It is found that academies’ educational culture contains modern educational values such as beliefs in autonomy, academic freedom, equality of personality and university autonomy. What can be learned from this is that we should critically absorb the educational culture of ancient academies to develop educational beliefs of modern universities, draw on the institutional logic of ancient academies to improve modern university system, and incorporate the outstanding spiritual culture of ancient academies to cultivate the cultural qualities of teachers and students of modern universities.
The Transitions of Chinese University Teachers Performance Culture Since 1949: A Policy Tex Analysis
2020, (3): 51-58.
Abstract(340) PDF(21)
Since 1949, the transition of university teachers performance culture had gone through four stages: preliminary exploration period, institutional norm alization period, reform deepening period and connotation upgrading period. The development trajectories were shaped by triple logical evolution, including: from equalitarianism to more payment for more work and good payment for good work; insisting on guiding teachers to focus on teaching ; from performance oriented to paying equal attention to performance and virtue. In the future, it is necessary to guide the development of university teachers performance culture with leading policy texts.The aim is to develop high-quality performance material culture, teaching and research oriented performance behavior culture, and performance spiritual culture following the doctrine of the mean, so as to improve teachers’ work enthusiasm, to establish a positive university organizational image, and to enhance the recognition and trust of the society to the university.
How Far is it to a Fair and Quality Compulsory Education
TIAN Youyi, DENG Lan
2020, (3): 59-64.
Abstract(438) PDF(34)
Whitehead, a famous British educator, divides the rhythm of education into three stages:romantic, precise and comprehensive application.He points out that romantic education has the characteristics of internal spontaneity, rich content, unity of knowledge and action, and multiple evaluation quality, which benefit students’ intelligence acquisition and emotional development, and conform to the foundational nature of compulsory education and the purpose of promoting children’ s coordinated development. The compulsory education development in China is in the stage of “romantic” education with the following difficulties: the advanced education ignores the purpose of “romantic” education; excessive education stays in the content of“romantic”education; rootless education solidifies the form of“romantic”education; unbalanced education narrows the evaluation of “romantic” education. The return of“romantic”education can be explored in the following ways: following the“romantic” education purpose and carrying out education step by step; enriching the“romantic”education content and relaxing the design activities; innovating the “romantic” education form and promoting curriculum rooted in life of curriculum; improving the “romantic” education evaluation and facilitating students’comprehensive development.The aim is to let children return to the true and let compulsory education serve for life-long development.
Examining the Implementation Dilemmas of Policy for Rural Nursery Transferred Teachers
YU Hui, REN Yuxin, CHEN Pengyan
2020, (3): 65-72.
Abstract(365) PDF(34)
Transferred teachers in rural nursery is a disadvantaged group in the Chinese educational system. Adopting Smith’s “policy implementation process” model, this study examines the implementation dilemmas of the policy for transferred teachers in rural nursery. The findings reveal that: the professional development trainings for these teachers are working less well; the overall quality of teachers in rural nursery is declining; the transferred teachers are facing difficulties in their adaptations to the new position; the tendency of “nursery towards primary school” is hard to be terminated. The roots of the policy implementation dilemma include: the vague and unreasonable policy aim; the inefficiency of implementation organizations; the implementation deviations under institutional pressures; the neighborhood effects in rural educational settings. Based on the empirical findings, the paper suggests the following solutions: improving the clarity and rationality of the policy aim; reframing the organizational structure to improve executive efficiency; facilitating the target group’s understanding of the policy; refining the educational environment of rural nursery.
The Legal Attribute and Legal Relationship of Homeschooling in China
ZHENG Guoping, GAO Xiuye
2020, (3): 73-79.
Abstract(446) PDF(26)
The legal phenomenon of homeschooling has brought strong impacts and challenges to the legal system of compulsory education. The legal fact of homeschooling should be adjusted and regulated by law. To regulate homeschooling by law, it is necessary to distinguish its legal attribute from legal relationship. At the stage of compulsory education, the law of homeschooling is subordinated to the compulsory education law and has the attributes of dependence on the compulsory education law. Homeschooling law has the attributes of administrative law and of equal civil legal relationship between parents, children and tutors. Being a legal relationship of rights and obligations between subjects based on certain legal facts, homeschooling has three constituent elements: subject, object and content. Through the analysis of the legal attribute and legal relationship in the legal facts of homeschooling, a new legal relationship of homeschooling can be generated, so as to realize the transformation from necessity to enactment.
An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Parenting Styles and Bullying Victimization among Students in Secondary Vocational School
LIU Xiao, HUANG Shunju
2020, (3): 80-86.
Abstract(481) PDF(58)
Using the EMBU Scale and the Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale as measurement tools to investigate 915 students in secondary vocational schools, this paper explores the relationship between parenting styles and bullying victimization. Empirical analysis reveals the following findings: first, there is a significant negative correlation between parents’ emotional warmth and understanding and the bullying victimization of students. In particular, father's emotional warmth and understanding negatively predict all dimensions of the bullying victimization. Second, punishment, rejection and denial of parents, overprotection of father and excessive interference and overprotection of mother have a significant positive correlation with all dimensions of bullying victimization. In particular, punishment, rejection and denial of parents have positive predictive effects on all dimensions of bullying victimization, while the excessive interference and overprotection of mother only positively predict physical, relational and overall bullying victimization. Third, there is a significant positive correlation between preference of mothers and verbal, relational and overall bullying victimization, while the predictive effect does not exist.
Teacher’s Professional Development in Rural Preschools in Guangzhou: Conditions and Challenges
HUANG Weilin, REN Yuxin, XU Zhaotian, SU Jialin
2020, (3): 87-93.
Abstract(525) PDF(27)
Rural preschool teacher is a disadvantaged teacher group in China. The weak teacher quality constrains the development of rural preschools. This research empirically explores the status quo and bottlenecks of the professional development of rural preschool teachers in Guangzhou. The findings show that: first, rural preschools generally have insufficient educational resources and their teachers have high level of pressures. Second, low teacher salaries and high mobility restrict the improvement of education quality. Third, the professional development paths for preschool teachers are relatively limited. Fourth, the forms and contents of on-the-job training are limited, and the training opportunities are unevenly distributed. Based on empirical analysis, this paper proposes the following reforms to refine the path for the rural preschool teacher professional development: first, strengthen government responsibility and improve teacher training system; second, optimize the content of teacher training with the support from teacher training university; third, improve the on-the-job training system in preschools
Realistic Concern and Future Search of Critical Pedagogy——Summary of the Third International Symposium on Critical Pedagogy
WU Songwei, XIAO Shaoming
2020, (3): 94-96.
Abstract(533) PDF(27)
The Third International Symposium with the theme of “human · nature · education”, deeply explored the academic theory and education reality, responded to concerning issues of the era. The meeting reaffirmed the value and mission of critical pedagogy, clarified many basic concepts of it and explored humanistic education practice. The meeting revealed the authentic education crisis, explored the education reform and focused the teachers as well as children in the education structure. The conference is sensitive to the contemporary changes and responded to the current ecological crisis, as well as the new challenges and problems brought by the scientific and technological revolution.