From "Educating for Scores" to "Educating Person": A Probe into the Chinese Path to Modernization of Educational Evaluation
摘要: 教育评价事关教育发展方向,促进教育评价现代化有助于推动教育现代化,进而为中国式现代化强国建设提供人才支撑。在我国,应试文化是根深蒂固的。在教育评价现代化进程中,需要将指向“育分”的以分数为中心的评价转型为指向“育人”的以学习为中心的评估。第一,实施学习段评估,转变对学生学习结果的认识,加强评估结果的形成性运用。第二,开展学习性评估,凸显教-学-评的一致性,提升教师反馈质量。第三,倡导学习化评估,鼓励学生关注学习过程中的进步,唤醒自觉发展的意识。第四,推进智能型评估,拓展数据采集渠道,深入分析海量数据。Abstract: Education evaluation is closely related to the direction of education development. Promoting the modernization of educational evaluation is conducive to promoting modernization of education, and then providing talent support for the construction of a great modern country. In our country, the test-oriented culture is deeply rooted. In the process of modernizing of educational evaluation, it is necessary to transform score-oriented evaluation to learning-oriented assessment, from pointing to "educating for scores" to "educating person". First, implementing assessment of learning, changing the understanding of students' learning outcomes, and strengthening the formative use of assessment results. Second, carrying out assessment for learning, highlighting the consistency of teaching, learning and assessment, and improving the quality of teachers' feedback. Third, advocating assessment as learning, encouraging students to pay attention to their progress in the learning process, and awakening the awareness of self-development. Fourth, promoting intelligentized assessment, expanding learning data collection channels, and analyzing massive data deeply.
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