"Teaching-learning Body" Research: Question Reflection, Methodological Return and Conceptual Reconstruction
摘要: “教学身体”是教学语境中的“身体”,教学身体观是对教学中“身体”的根本性认识和整体看法。当前,“教学身体”研究囿于西方认识论视角,以“身体认知”而非“身体”为研究视点,将身体价值局限在知识习得层面,以感官自由偷换身体自由,依赖虚拟技术进行身体交互。相关问题的研究方法论反思表明,“教学身体”研究需要在本体和价值层面作必要补充。儒家教化思想具有丰富的身体形象,“身体”是具有痛痒恻隐属性、作为生命的现实表征、处于生成过程、需要长期修行的存在。儒家教化机理与身体形象密切相关:教化基于真实的人“身”,顺应身体的生命本能,通过身体的力行体知,重塑与他者间的身体关系等,能够为教学身体观的重构提供启示。生成论教学哲学能够为澄清“教学身体”的基本规定性,探究“教学身体”的价值属性提供思想方法的指导。在此视域下,“教学身体”应该具有身心一体、牵连生命、动态生成和人文互动的形象特质。Abstract: "Teaching-learning body" means the "body" in the teaching-learning context, the fundamental understanding and overall view about this is teaching-learning body view. Currently, teaching-learning body research is confined to the Western epistemological perspective, focusing on "body cognition" rather than "body", limiting the value of the body to the level of knowledge acquisition, stealing the freedom of the senses for the freedom of the body, and relying on virtual technology in physical interaction. Reflections on research methodology show that teaching-learning body research needs to be supplemented at the ontological and value level. The image of "body" in the Confucian Cultivation thought is rich, which is the existence of a person with the attribute of pain, itching, and compassion, as a realistic representation of life, in the process of generation, and requires long-term practice. Those images are also closely related to the mechanism of education. The practice of Confucian Cultivation is based on the real human body, conforms to the body's life instinct, and realizes the body relationship with others through body's practice, those are beneficial to the reconstruction of teaching-learning body view. Generative teaching-learning philosophy (GTP) can provide ideological guidance for exploring basic provisions and value attributes of "teaching-learning body". Under this view, the "teaching-learning body" should have the characteristics of physical and mental integration, implicated life, dynamic generation, and humanistic interaction.
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