The Implementation Progress and Improvement Strategy of Educational Punishment Power
摘要: 中国于 2021年 3月 1日正式实施了《中小学教育惩戒规则(试行)》,这是中国教育现代化发展的重要成就,也是新时代教育依法治校的重要措施。该项政策一年来的实施状况备受社会各方面的关心,课题组选取江苏省的基础教育为样本进行调研分析,发现了"不平衡"与"不充分"的问题。分析其中原因,这既有制度设计方面的内容不完善问题,也有学校、教师及社会各方面的观念认识问题。教育政策的制定、实施与推广,是一项复杂的系统工程,学校的学生管理从过去的严禁体罚到现今的准予惩戒,这是教育制度的重大变革,也是教育理念的鲜明转变,更需要积极改革与稳步推进。Abstract: On March 1,2021,China implemented The Punishment Rules for Primary and Secondary School Education (Trial) officially,This is an important achievement in the modernization of China's education and an important measure for education administration by the law in the new era,and it's also extremely concerned about how has the policy been implemented over the past year?The research group selected the basic education in Jiangsu Province as the sample for the investigation and analysis,and found the problems of existing "imbalance" and "inadequacy" .The problems are not only the system design content that is not perfect,but also the problems of concept cognition of schools,teachers and all aspects of the society.It's a complex and systematic project for education policy to formulate,implement,and promote,the management of school students from corporal punishment to punishment is a major change of the educational system and a clear change in the educational concept,and it needs active reform and steady progress.
Key words:
- educational punishment /
- teachers' power /
- teachers' authority
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