How to Understand the Educatee in Educational Development: Based on G. C. Spivak's Practice of “Subaltern” and Her Philosophy of Education
摘要: 在斯皮瓦克看来,庶民大体可以被描述为"不能自由社会移动的人""社会移动路径断绝的人"。具体而言,作为教育援助对象的庶民,具备双重的脆弱性。一方面,摆在庶民面前的环境障碍、历史障碍、话语障碍,体现出庶民的"状态脆弱性"。为了使某一情境下特定的庶民个体或群体脱离庶民状态,立足于"主体效果"的斯皮瓦克采取了葛兰西的进路,即通过高质量的教育来帮助庶民获得脱离庶民状态的能力。另一方面,不对称的听说关系与悄然现身的认知暴力又反映出教育援助中庶民的"关系脆弱性"。教育援助者作为倾听者与阅读者,掌握着言说与表征被教育者的权力,在生产关于庶民的知识的同时,又积极从事根据被生产的知识,改造庶民认知的计划。对多种障碍的抵抗却又有可能反映出认知暴力,教育援助的困难性正在于此。从"庶民"这一视角出发,教育援助可以被理解为教育者对作为文本的被教育者的重新改写。如同翻译,重新改写是能动的暴力。斯皮瓦克所面对的问题是:如何正当地活用教育援助,以助力庶民主体地摆脱双重脆弱。Abstract: To answer the question " how to understand the educatee in education development", this study focuses on Spivak's concept of "subaltern". In her opinion, the subaltern can be described as "someone who has no access to social mobility" or " someone who is cut off from the lines of mobility ". As the object of educational development, the subaltern has dual vulnerability. On the one hand, there are "three barriers" in front of the subaltern, namely environmental barrier, historical barrier and discourse barrier, which show "the vulnerability of condition". To separate the particular group of subaltern from the condition caused their subaltern status in a certain situation, Spivak, based on the " subject-effect", adopted Gramsci's approach. That is, using high-quality education to help the subaltern gain the ability to lift themselves from the hard situation. On the other hand, the asymmetric listening and speaking relationship and epistemic violence reflect " the vulnerability of relationship" between educatee and educator in educational development. The donor, as the listener and reader, has the right to explain the recipient. The donor with epistemic violence is not only producing knowledge about the subaltern, but also actively engaged in the project of transforming the subaltern's knowledge according to the produced knowledge. Opposing the old epistemic violence may lead to a new epistemic violence, and this is the aporia of educational development. From the perspective of subaltern, educational development can be understood as the rewriting of the educatee who is seen as a text. Rewriting is violent. The difficulty that Spivak has to face is how to properly use the violence in educational development to extricate the subaltern from the dual vulnerability.
Key words:
- Spivak /
- educational development /
- educated /
- subaltern
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