Historical Formation and Characteristics of Parental Educational Involvement Policies in Korea
摘要: 本研究的目的是分析韩国家长教育参与政策的历史发展过程与特征。在金泳三政府推动“5.31教育改革”前,家长被视为学校的支持者和志愿者。改革后,家长的社会和法律地位得到改善,开始被认可为教育的权利主体。引入学校管理委员会制度后,家长开始参与学校管理。此外,韩国政府还出台了各种赋权家长的支持政策。然而,这些政策存在如下几个问题:一是学校(教师)和家长之间的“固定关系” (不平衡的权力结构)持续存在;二是政策、规范与环境存在不协调(discord)问题;三是提高教师“协作领导力”的政策力度不够;四是建立双向沟通体制的政策不足;五是家长教育热用作战略资源的政策不足。Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze the historical formation and characteristics of Parental Educational Involvement Policies in Korea. The research results are as follows:After the " 5. 31 Education Reforms" promoted by the Kim Young- sam government, the social and legal status of parents in education has been improved. Before the " 5. 31 Education Reforms", parents were recognized as supporters and volunteers in school. Through the " 5. 31 Education Reforms", however, parents began to be recognized as educational sovereigns. With the School Governing Board being introduced, parents could participate in decision-making of school management. In addition, various support policies for parental empowerment were introduced. However, there needs to be some improvement of these Parental Educational Involvement Policies. First, the unequal relationship fixation caused by unbalanced power structure between school staffs including teachers and parents has persisted. Second, "Policy-Environment discord" and " Normative Policy discord" have been generated. Third, policies for improving the Collaborative Leadership of teachers are not established enough. Fourth, the policy to establish mutual communication system between parents and school is insufficient. Lastly, policies that take advantage of parent enthusiasm for education as a strategic asset are not sufficient. For post-Covid-19 era, a newly revised social deal on education should be established in Korea. In the new deal on education, Parental Educational Involvement Policies are needed to be more progressive and democratic.
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