Educational Citizen and Rise of Parentological Studies:Rebranding and Academic Strategies for Parents' Substantive Participation in Education
摘要: 本研究探讨了政府多方推进家长教育参与政策却不能收到实效的深层原因和应对策略。首先梳理了家长的“教育民心”及其不被重视的现状,特别是确认了忽视家长意见和作用的社会心理的存在。家长因缺乏存在感导致产生连锁效应:不被重视,进而难以发声,即使发声也少被倾听。这种连锁关系是阻碍家长难以平等、有效参与教育的深层原因。打破这一深层关系的关键是确立家长的存在感。为了夯实家长作为教育主体的存在感,抵制敌视家长的文化和争取社会认可成为重要课题。其次,就课题攻克方案,提出形象重塑与学术策略。形象重塑提出“教育公民”新形象以替换问题重生的“社会家长”方案。学术策略则厘清了家长的三种身份,旨在理论层面支持家长的教育主体性和教育参与。学术策略由三部分组成:其一,从新的角度对家长进行提问并正确认识家长;其二,从家长的立场看教育;其三,抵制敌视家长的文化。学术策略不仅涉及家长,而且有其广泛的教育学意义。政府和教育界应该以对待教师素养的问题意识对待家长的素养问题。有必要从国家层面出台“教育热”经营战略,使政府和教育界具备助推的视角和能力去挖掘家长的教育热能量。学术策略旨在通过研究促进国家、教师和家长三者之间知识与权力的均衡发展,建立一种共生关系。建立三方共生关系是建立教育民主的关键,同时也是教育可持续发展的新途径。教师教育的课程内容应该包含正确认识家长,使准教师积极接受家长教育参与,建立服务教育公民的专业职业文化。应当将当前“活跃”的家长教育参与政策取向转换为“先正常化”再“活跃”的发展路径。Abstract: This paper discusses the diagnosis and countermeasures for the in-depth reasons for the lack of effectiveness despite the government's policy on parental participation in education. It checks the current state of the public opinion on education and the situation in which the public opinion on education is being ignored, and confirms the existence of situations where you don't have to listen. Disregard for parents is due to the lack of parents' social presence, which is linked like a chain link due to difficulties in raising the voices of parents and insensitivity to parents' voices. This chain link is an in-depth reason that hinders the realization of parental independent and substantive participation in education. In order to cut off the chain of in-depth reasons, the first challenge is to form a social presence for parents. In order to support parents to take root in their social presence as an educational subject, resistance and struggle for recognition against the hostile culture towards parents are presented as tasks. It presents rebranding and academic strategies as a way to support solving these tasks. For rebranding, it points out the problems in the "social parent" and presents the " educational citizen" plan. Parent academic strategy is a task that theoretically supports educational subjectivity and educational participation while reflecting the three major identities of parents. The academic strategy can be largely composed of three parts:First, take a new perspective to ask questions and understand parents correctly; Second, look at education from the standpoint of parents; Third, resist a culture that is hostile toparents. Academic strategies not only involve parents, but also have a wide range of pedagogical significance. The government and educational circles should treat the problem of parents' quality with the awareness of teachers' quality. It is necessary to introduce a management strategy for education enthusiasm at the national level so that the government and the education community have the perspective and ability to nudge the educational energy of parents. The academic strategy aims for a symbiotic relationship in which the three-party relationship promotes mutual evolution through balanced research among the three actors of the state, teachers, and students-parents. The establishment of a symbiotic relationship between the three actors is a key task in establishing educational democracy and at the same time can be a new secret of sustainable educational development. The contents of teacher training education should include the knowledge of parents, and the professionalism of teachers should be transformed into a service professional culture that overcomes the exclusive professionalism of parents and actively accepts the participation of educational citizens. The policy principle of parental education participation should be changed to "activation after normalization" rather than "activation".
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