The Rights Boundary, Interaction Mechanism and Educational Equity Between Home and School in Parentocracy Era
摘要: 全球教育的结构性变动,市场经济和技术的快速发展,再次突显家长在子女教育中的重要作用。“家长主义”时代的到来,成为重构家校权利关系、追求教育公平的良好机遇。然而,藉由技术中介主导下的学校治理,建立不平等的权力控制机制与家长互动,把家长培养成为自我改造的知识主体,引发了家长间的相互监督与竞争,强化了教育的文化与社会再生产功能。故而,需要在理论和规范上厘清家长和学校的权利边界;要从根本上反思学校灌输给家长知识的性质,鉴别知识的教育性与非教育性;赋权家长,在家长群体内部发展“公共家长”,减轻教师负担,创造公平的教育环境。Abstract: The structural changes in global education and the rapid development of capital and market economy have once again highlighted the important role of parents in their children's education. Parentocracy offers a good opportunity to reconstruct the power relationship between parents and the school, and to pursue educational equity. However, the existence of the school as a rigid system, through the intermediary effect of technology, establish an unequal power control mechanism to interact with parents, which cultivates parents to be the subject of self-reform knowledge and triggers mutual supervision and capital competition among parents, strengthening the cultural and social reproduction functions of education. Research suggests that it is necessary to clarify the boundary of rights between parents and schools in theory and norms. It is necessary to fundamentally reflect on the nature of the knowledge that schools instill in parents, and to distinguish the educational and non-educational knowledge. It is also important to empower parents to develop' public parents' within parent group, in order to reduce the burden on teachers and create a fair educational environment.
Key words:
- Parentocracy /
- parental educational involvement /
- home-school interaction /
- educational equity /
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