Issue 1
Jul.  2021
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ZHANG Fengjuan, QUAN Jinglan. Research on Organization, Authority and Financial Resource Distribution of Local Governments’ “Double First-class” Construction Policy[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2020, (1): 60-67.
Citation: ZHANG Fengjuan, QUAN Jinglan. Research on Organization, Authority and Financial Resource Distribution of Local Governments’ “Double First-class” Construction Policy[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2020, (1): 60-67.

Research on Organization, Authority and Financial Resource Distribution of Local Governments’ “Double First-class” Construction Policy

  • Received Date: 2019-09-11
    Available Online: 2021-07-16
  • As the "meta-resource" of resource allocation, the allocation mode of policy resources determines the maximum social and economic benefits that policy can produce. Through the analysis of the allocation of organizational resources, authoritative resources and financial resources in 31 provincial governments "double first-class" construction schemes in China, it is found that there are many problems in the construction of "double first-class" in local governments, such as the mismatch between the allocation of resources and construction objectives, the imperfection of the allocation of organizational resources and authoritative resources, and financial resources lack of specific and reasonable planning for allocation. Therefore, based on university mission and regional strategy, the main ways to optimize local government’s "double first-class" construction are to rationally set up "double first-class" construction objectives, build an execution system with strong authoritative resources, and formulate financial resources supporting programs.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌,
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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