Issue 3
Jun.  2022
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CAO Kai, YANG Ning. How Social Support Promotes the Emotional Balance of Rural Preschool Teachers in Underdeveloped Areas:From the Perspective of Psychological Poverty Alleviation in the ' Post Poverty Alleviation Era'[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2022, (3): 42-51.
Citation: CAO Kai, YANG Ning. How Social Support Promotes the Emotional Balance of Rural Preschool Teachers in Underdeveloped Areas:From the Perspective of Psychological Poverty Alleviation in the " Post Poverty Alleviation Era"[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2022, (3): 42-51.

How Social Support Promotes the Emotional Balance of Rural Preschool Teachers in Underdeveloped Areas:From the Perspective of Psychological Poverty Alleviation in the " Post Poverty Alleviation Era"

  • Received Date: 2022-01-19
  • Publish Date: 2022-06-24
  • Based on the perspective of psychological poverty alleviation in the "post poverty alleviation era", this paper aims to study the relationships between social support, understanding social support and emotional balance of rural preschool teachers in underdeveloped areas, to analyze the impact of social support and understanding social support on preschool teachers' emotional balance, and to help preschool teachers in underdeveloped rural areas with relatively poor psychological poverty alleviation. The aim is to stimulate the endogenous driving force of the relatively poor rural population in underdeveloped areas and to improve the relatively poor state in underdeveloped areas. Research methods:a questionnaire survey was conducted on 832 teachers who participated in the training of rural preschool teachers in underdeveloped areas of Guangdong Province. The results showed that:the higher the preschool teachers' social status cognition, the more positive emotions and less negative emotions they have; the negative emotion of teachers in public kindergartens is lower than that in private kindergartens; with the growth of age, the emotional balance of preschool teachers is gradually enhanced. The total score of social support and its dimensions were positively correlated with positive emotion and emotional balance, and negatively correlated with negative emotion; The total score of social support has a significant negative predictive effect on negative emotion; subjective support has a significant positive predictive effect on emotional balance; objective support dimension has a significant negative predictive effect on negative emotion. The total score of perceived social support and its dimensions were positively correlated with positive emotion and emotional balance, and negatively correlated with negative emotion; the dimension of friend support has a significant positive predictive effect on emotional balance. Finally, from the perspective of psychological poverty alleviation, this paper puts forward feasible suggestions to promote the emotional balance of preschool teachers.


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