Issue 3
May  2023
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JIA Lishuai. Examining the Relationships between Inclusive Education and Learning in Regular Classrooms from the Perspective of 'Two Leaps within Three Stages'[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2023, (3): 101-110.
Citation: JIA Lishuai. Examining the Relationships between Inclusive Education and Learning in Regular Classrooms from the Perspective of "Two Leaps within Three Stages"[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2023, (3): 101-110.

Examining the Relationships between Inclusive Education and Learning in Regular Classrooms from the Perspective of "Two Leaps within Three Stages"

  • Received Date: 2022-09-19
    Available Online: 2023-08-08
  • Publish Date: 2023-05-25
  • The ways of placing children with special educational needs in Europe and the United States have progressed through three stages: isolated special education, integrated education, and inclusive education. The development course contains two leaps, from isolated special education to integrated education and then from integrated education to inclusive education, which is called "Two Leaps within Three Stages". Putting our country on a historical analysis in the "Two Leaps within Three Stages" can help us clarify the relationship between the Learning in Regular Classrooms and inclusive education. From the perspectize of the thought of Weiyu, the thesis proposes a three-step strategy on Learning in Regular Classrooms how to get out of the "crisis" and get out of the dilemma and realize sustainable development under the influence of inclusive education. Finally, the thesis proposes a preliminary reflection on achieve harmonious coexistence between the Learning in Regular Classrooms and inclusive education, so as to achieve "harmony but difference".


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    通讯作者: 陈斌,
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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