Issue 4
Sep.  2022
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SUN Gangcheng, SONG Xiaoge. From Academic and Social Isolation to the Establishment of Good Peer Effect:An Academic Analysis of the Termination of School Choice Craze[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2022, (4): 40-51.
Citation: SUN Gangcheng, SONG Xiaoge. From Academic and Social Isolation to the Establishment of Good Peer Effect:An Academic Analysis of the Termination of School Choice Craze[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2022, (4): 40-51.

From Academic and Social Isolation to the Establishment of Good Peer Effect:An Academic Analysis of the Termination of School Choice Craze

  • Received Date: 2022-03-04
    Available Online: 2022-09-05
  • Because of its possible positive impact,or from factors such as residence,safety and economy,school choice has become a common concern of many parents,students and the government,and the resolution of school choice craze has become a difficult problem.However,the OECD's empirical survey data and a large number of scholars'empirical studies confirm that,on the whole or on average,school choice is not significantly helpful to the improvement of performance and the development of students,and school choice has significantly exacerbated the academic and social isolation,resulting in new educational and social inequities.The analysis of the academic and social isolation between students exacerbated by school choice can help people understand the adverse effects of school choice more deeply;then,to understand the value of peer effect in eliminating academic and social isolation and promoting the healthy growth of students in-depth,which will be conducive to put forward the strategies of building a good peer effect,and to understand the basic theoretical approach to resolve the school choice craze with the help of good peer effect.


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