Issue 4
Sep.  2022
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Article Contents
ZHANG Wenwen, LI Ting, LIU Dongni. How Effective is the Teacher Labor Market?A Case Study of the Innovation of the Resource Supply of Trustee Teachers After Class under the Background of 'Double Reduction' Policy[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2022, (4): 52-62.
Citation: ZHANG Wenwen, LI Ting, LIU Dongni. How Effective is the Teacher Labor Market?A Case Study of the Innovation of the Resource Supply of Trustee Teachers After Class under the Background of "Double Reduction" Policy[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2022, (4): 52-62.

How Effective is the Teacher Labor Market?A Case Study of the Innovation of the Resource Supply of Trustee Teachers After Class under the Background of "Double Reduction" Policy

  • Received Date: 2022-02-25
    Available Online: 2022-09-05
  • With the implementation of the"Double Reduction "policy,after-school services in schools have increased sharply,and the contradiction between teachers' supply and demand has become prominent.Taking S Talent Group,a typical enterprise in Shenzhen as an example,this study discusses the market mechanism for revitalizing the teacher labor market and innovating the supply of teacher resources under the background of the" Double Reduction"policy.Taking S Talent Group as an example,this study shows that professional teacher labor dispatch companies can effectively communicate with supply and demand sides and improve the efficiency of teacher resource supply.On the one hand,they provide primary and secondary schools with all-round educational talent outsourcing services including recruitment,management,etc.,to cover the risks of school employment.On the other hand,they have improved the efficiency of the allocation of the temporary teacher market by contracting with teachers to provide security and consolidate teacher resources.Based on the case study of S Talent Group,this study further discusses the marketization model of teacher resource supply model and the possibility of its promotion.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌,
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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