Issue 1
Feb.  2024
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HUANG Xiwen. The Dual Variations of Freedom and Science: The Historical Legacy of UCL's Century-old Curriculum Reform[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2024, (1): 100-112.
Citation: HUANG Xiwen. The Dual Variations of Freedom and Science: The Historical Legacy of UCL's Century-old Curriculum Reform[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2024, (1): 100-112.

The Dual Variations of Freedom and Science: The Historical Legacy of UCL's Century-old Curriculum Reform

  • Received Date: 2023-10-24
    Available Online: 2024-03-25
  • Publish Date: 2024-02-25
  • From 1826 to 1926, University College London has continuously carried out curriculum reform since its establishment to provide more people with educational opportunities. Based on newspapers, journals and other literature, and referring to the research ideas of historian Braudel, it can be identified that: from the perspective of the long-term, the curriculum reform of University College London has always revolved around the debate between liberal education and scientific education. Striving for balance is the "underground" of curriculum reform. From the perspective of the middle-term, the curriculum reform of University College London showed different characteristics in each historical stage. From 1826 to 1840, the curriculum strove to be secular and practical, and new comprehensive courses and medical professional courses were developed. From 1841 to 1870, the curriculum tended to be scientific and systematic, scientific courses emerged, and experimentation became the main way to implement courses. From 1871 to 1898, courses became more professional and diversified. Scientific courses were classified more carefully and examinations became the learning method of courses and women were more likely to get more involved in class. From 1899 to 1926, the curriculum became more comprehensive, the "new" curriculum developed simultaneously with the "old" curriculum, and institutes began to appear. Understanding the century-old curriculum reform history of University College London could help systematically understand the reform status of modern British universities.


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