Issue 4
Jul.  2023
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YANG Xin. The Characteristics of Space Production of Cross-border Education in the Context of Globalization[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2023, (4): 105-112.
Citation: YANG Xin. The Characteristics of Space Production of Cross-border Education in the Context of Globalization[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2023, (4): 105-112.

The Characteristics of Space Production of Cross-border Education in the Context of Globalization

  • Received Date: 2022-11-01
    Available Online: 2023-10-18
  • Publish Date: 2023-07-25
  • The globalization of economy, politics and culture has given birth to the production of cross-border educational space. Under the framework of Lefebvre's theory of space production, cross-border education space production includes three structures: physical space, mental space and social space. Space production of cross-border education has experienced three stages: the heterogeneity of mental space production and the convergence of social space production in the era of student mobility; the capitalization the space production of cross-border education in the era of project mobility, and realizing the reproduction of educational space through space restoration; cross-border education in the era of education hub tries to reconstruct the global education space. Cross-border education in the era of student and project mobility reflected the injustice of space production to a certain extent, and only by reconstructing the global order of cross-border educational space can the space production of cross-border education return to publicity and public welfare, and can the unjust crisis of capitalist space production be prevented.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌,
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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