Issue 5
Sep.  2023
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FANG Jianhua, SHI Xiaoqing. Empirically Examining the Effects of Parental Absence in Early Childhood on Adolescents' Competence Development: the Perspective of the Life-course Theory[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2023, (5): 51-65.
Citation: FANG Jianhua, SHI Xiaoqing. Empirically Examining the Effects of Parental Absence in Early Childhood on Adolescents' Competence Development: the Perspective of the Life-course Theory[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2023, (5): 51-65.

Empirically Examining the Effects of Parental Absence in Early Childhood on Adolescents' Competence Development: the Perspective of the Life-course Theory

  • Received Date: 2023-05-16
  • Publish Date: 2023-09-25
  • Based on the baseline data of the China Education Panel Survey (CEPS), the study utilized OLS regression and propensity score matching to investigate the effects of parental absence in early childhood on the development of adolescents' abilities from the perspective of life course theory. The study found that parental absence in early life can significantly promote the development of adolescents' cognitive abilities, while significantly inhibit the development of adolescents' non-cognitive abilities; parental absence in early life has a heterogeneous impact on adolescents' ability development due to family economic conditions and urban-rural differences, which mainly manifests as a positive impact on the development of adolescents' cognitive abilities in urban and non-poor families, and a negative impact on the development of non-cognitive abilities in rural adolescents; at the same time, it has a negative impact on the cognitive abilities of rural adolescents; at the same time, the superiority of early family economic conditions did not lead to more significant long-term gains in non-cognitive ability for adolescents compared to adolescents experienced poverty in their early years. Parents should pay attention to the investment of time and emotion while providing material support for their children to prevent the accumulation of disadvantages; the government and society should pay attention to the early development of disadvantaged children and provide more support and assistance for their growth.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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