Rochester Social Center and the Expansion of Public School's Social Function
摘要: 20世纪初,罗切斯特社区中心开拓了一种新型的人际交往方式,使公立学校成为不同文化背景群体的交流阵地。罗切斯特社区中心是社区中心运动的先导,它充分利用现有学校建筑,推动了移民美国化进程。国内少有学者对该中心进行个案研究,美国学者虽有涉及该中心的研究,但很少有学者关注该中心在拓展学校社会功能,促使学校转型方面的贡献。本文在现有史料的基础上,以个案研究的形式,结合罗切斯特社区中心的发展过程,探究社区中心对公立学校发展产生的影响。研究认为,学校作为社区中心拓展了学校的社会功能,使得学校与社会的联系更加紧密,重塑了学校形象。Abstract: At the beginning of the 20th century, the Rochester Social Center pioneered a new type of human interaction, making public school a place of exchange for groups with different cultural backgrounds. The Rochester Social Center was a forerunner of the Social Center Movement, promoting the Americanization of immigrants and making full use of existing school buildings. Few domestic scholars have conducted case studies on the center. Although American scholars have conducted studies on the center, such as its origin and development process, few scholars have paid attention to the contribution of the center in expanding the social functions of schools and promoting the transformation of schools. Based on the existing historical materials, this paper explores the impact of Rochester Social Center on the development of public schools in a form of a case study combining with the development process of Rochester Social Center. The research believes that school as a social center expands the social function of school, that makes the connection between school and society closer, and that reshapes the image of school.
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