Issue 5
Jul.  2021
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SU Xiqing. Preventing and Intervening Suicide Crisis of Adolescents: A Model of Family-School Collaboration[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2020, (5): 16-28.
Citation: SU Xiqing. Preventing and Intervening Suicide Crisis of Adolescents: A Model of Family-School Collaboration[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2020, (5): 16-28.

Preventing and Intervening Suicide Crisis of Adolescents: A Model of Family-School Collaboration

  • Received Date: 2020-08-15
    Available Online: 2021-07-16
  • Based on a literature review, this paper critically discusses and analyzes the intentions, influencing factors, and intervention models of adolescent suicide. First, I redefine the types of adolescent suicides, distinguishing between planned suicides caused by relatively chronic risk factors and impulsive suicides caused by relatioely acute risk factors. Considering the character of adolescence as a period of stormy psychological, emotional, and personality development of individuals, I analyse the path dependence of adolescent suicides on family and school systems, affirming that adolescent suicides not only reflect their own vulnerability, but also show the long-lasting unresolved problems of family or school systems. I therefore emphasize the importance of family-school collaboration in preventing and intervening in adolescent suicide. In addition, I re-examine the many factors influencing youth suicide, differentiating between predisposing factors, contributing factors, precipitating factors and protective factors in response to the different stages of suicide initiation. This is to discuss the influence of different factors on different stages. Based on this, from a practical point of view, I propose a working model of family-school collaboration for youth suicide prevention and intervention, as well as working strategies and working practices, etc.


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