Issue 3
Jun.  2024
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YUAN Chuanming. Haldane and Modern British Higher Education Reform: A Historical Investigation Centered on His Educational Practice Activities[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2024, (3): 59-70.
Citation: YUAN Chuanming. Haldane and Modern British Higher Education Reform: A Historical Investigation Centered on His Educational Practice Activities[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2024, (3): 59-70.

Haldane and Modern British Higher Education Reform: A Historical Investigation Centered on His Educational Practice Activities

  • Received Date: 2023-12-07
  • Publish Date: 2024-06-25
  • As an outstanding British politician in the early 20th century, Haldane participated in higher education reforms in England, Ireland, Wales, and other places. On the basis of drawing inspiration from German university model, he advocated reforming the higher education model that separates teaching and examination, and adovating a university education model that combines teaching and research. Although Haldane's identity as an educator cannot be compared to those of famous educators in Western education history, his contribution to the reform and development of modern British higher education is indelible. On the one hand, this is manifested as political. He participated in the reform of the University of London twice, promoting the promulgation of the University of London Act of 1898 and the University of London Act of 1926, helping City College obtain legal university status, and pointing out the direction for the development of higher education in Ireland and Wales; On the other hand, it also manifests as academic. Haldane's ideas were deeply in?uenced by German classical philosophy. He has published insightful insights on the essence of university, the concept of civic university and technical education, which are enough to enrich the intellectual treasure trove of modern British higher education.


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