Issue 1
Jul.  2021
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HOU Baihe, LI Junjiao, CHEN Wei, ZHENG Xifu. The Research of An Unconditioned Stimulus Vicarious Retrieval on Reconsolidation of Fear Memory[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2021, (1): 83-96.
Citation: HOU Baihe, LI Junjiao, CHEN Wei, ZHENG Xifu. The Research of An Unconditioned Stimulus Vicarious Retrieval on Reconsolidation of Fear Memory[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2021, (1): 83-96.

The Research of An Unconditioned Stimulus Vicarious Retrieval on Reconsolidation of Fear Memory

  • Received Date: 2021-10-20
    Available Online: 2021-07-16
  • The retrieval -extinction paradigm is one of the classic paradigms of memory reconsolidation, which is currently widely used in the current research on the extinction of fear memories. Compared with retrieve memory with conditioned stimulus (CS), the unconditioned stimulus (US) can activate more fear memory connections. However, in reality, the US may be difficult to replicate accurately, which limits its clinical application potential. Based on this, this study will present the US in a vicarious way (video), combined with the retrieval-extinction paradigm, to verify whether vicarious US retrieval methods can open up the reconsolidation of fear memories, thereby reducing fear responses. The results showed that neither the US retrieval-extinction group nor the vicarious US retrieval-extinction group showed spontaneous recovery and reinstatement of fear; however, the spontaneous recovery occurred when the extinction process was taken place immediately after vicarious US's retrieval. The result suggests that vicarious US retrieval can successfully reactivate the fear memory and destroy the original fear memory through the extinction training within the reconsolidation time window. However, it is necessary to leave an appropriate time interval between the retrieval and the extinction process.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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