Citation: | YAO Xunqi, YUAN Haojing, XIAO Zhaoyun. Educational Value Of "Three Togethers" Rural Labor Education Curriculum to High School Students[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2022, (2): 66-74. |
Based on the "Three Together" labor education curriculum which has been carried out for more than 30 years in the Affiliated High School of Guangdong South China Normal University (SCNU), this study makes use of In-depth interviews with core teachers and conducts word frequency analysis and keyword extraction of student summary and alumni memoirs corpus for 218, 000 words. From the perspective of teachers and students, the educational value of "Three Togethers" labor education courses can be refined into three areas and ten aspects. The three areas are ideal responsibility, labor life and innovation aesthetics; the ten aspects include improving ideal beliefs, enhancing national identity, developing responsibility, setting up labor concepts, building labor spirits, fostering labor ability, forming labor habits and qualities, cultivating question-consciousness, developing inquiring ability and cultivating esthetic sentiment.
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