Issue 3
Jun.  2024
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Article Contents
WU Yilin, LIU Ruya. The Formation Mechanism and Its Leap of 'Liberal Arts and Science Distinction': Analyzing the Practice of Subject Selections in the '3+1+2' New College Entrance Examination[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2024, (3): 47-58.
Citation: WU Yilin, LIU Ruya. The Formation Mechanism and Its Leap of "Liberal Arts and Science Distinction": Analyzing the Practice of Subject Selections in the "3+1+2" New College Entrance Examination[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2024, (3): 47-58.

The Formation Mechanism and Its Leap of "Liberal Arts and Science Distinction": Analyzing the Practice of Subject Selections in the "3+1+2" New College Entrance Examination

  • Received Date: 2023-10-26
  • Publish Date: 2024-06-25
  • Through the analysis of the "3+1+2" New College Entrance Examination examinees' subject selection practice, it is found that the formation of "liberal arts and science distinction" of examinees is not linear "from nothing", but rooted in the examinees' preconceptions and situational stimulation in the process of social interaction. That is, the preconceived preconceptions composed of academic expectation, thinking pattern and stereotype are the reasonableness source for the formation of examinees' "liberal arts and science distinction". Situational factors such as social needs, school guidance and others influence further stimulate the guiding role of the former. In addition, the New College Entrance Examination gives examinees the right to choose subjects relatively freely, which also makes some examinees germinate the power to leap the "liberal arts and science distinction". Examinees who rely on the accumulation of achievements and the integration of academic feelings, participate in the pre-emptive preconceptions, but also weakens the influence of situational factors. The study holds that the formation of examinee's "liberal arts and science distinction" is universal, and the method of leaping the constraint of this tendency has its heterogeneity. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the design of the College Entrance Examination system, focus on the subjective participation of candidates, and make concerted efforts.


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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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