Issue 6
Dec.  2024
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CHEN Jieying, SONG Huan. On the Cultivation Mode of Teachers' Ethics of Body and Mind Integration: from the Perspective of Embodied Learning[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2024, (6): 56-65.
Citation: CHEN Jieying, SONG Huan. On the Cultivation Mode of Teachers' Ethics of Body and Mind Integration: from the Perspective of Embodied Learning[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2024, (6): 56-65.

On the Cultivation Mode of Teachers' Ethics of Body and Mind Integration: from the Perspective of Embodied Learning

  • Received Date: 2024-09-12
    Available Online: 2025-01-18
  • Publish Date: 2024-12-25
  • In the past, bodily experience was often overlooked in the cultivation and development of teacher ethics, such as the separation of knowledge and practice in teachers' ethics training and the discipline of power on teachers' physical development ethics. In response to this phenomenon, many studies have clarified the fundamental points of the embodied learning theory and indicated that embodied approaches are more effective in promoting the development of teacher's ethics than disembodied methods. However, there is a lack of researches systematically exploring the relationship between embodied approaches and the cultivation of teacher's ethics. Therefore, this study first systematically reviews the progress of learning theory under the guidance of western embodied cognition theory, and reflects on the logical agreement between embodied learning theory and teacher's ethics cultivation from the perspectives of ontology, axiology and practice. This leads to the construction of a more comprehensive, in-depth and effective system for embodied teacher's ethics cultivation, which emphasizes embodied approaches that encourage teachers to autonomously construct the practice criteria.


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