Is the U.S. Federal Government's "Interventions" in Educational Affairs Unconstitutional?
摘要: 美国联邦政府“干预”教育是否违宪?这是一个饱受争议的问题。虽然联邦宪法修正案第十条确立了教育权力属于“州或人民”的原则,但考察历史会发现,联邦政府不断以各种方式“干预”教育。表面看来,联邦政府“干预”教育之行动有着“因循传统”“国家安全”与“社会福利”“民主与正义”等依据;但实际上,联邦政府“干预”教育的行动更受到“实用主义哲学观”和“社会发展趋势与联邦政府权力整体性转变”等深层因素的影响。如果从“权力”概念的视角加以分析,依据“强制力”说,联邦政府教育权力扩张并未违宪,而依据“影响力”说,联邦政府“干预”教育则已“违宪”;但如果抛开“权力”概念自身模糊性质所导致的分歧,从更为接近问题核心的宪法原则精神维度考察,联邦政府“干预”教育的行动与宪法精神无违。Abstract: It is a more controversial issue that whether it is unconstitutional for the Federal Government to "intervene in" educational affairs. Although the 10th amendment established the fundamental principle of education power belongs to "the states or the people", exploring through history, the Federal Government continually "intervene in" educational affairs in a variety way. On the surface, the action of the Federal Government "intervene in" educational affairs based on the reason of "tradition", "national security" and "social welfare", "democracy and justice", but in fact, it is influenced by "pragmatic philosophy", "trend of social development and the whole transition of the Federal Government's power". Analyzed from the perspective of the concept "Power", according to the theory of "force", the Federal Government hasn't violated the federal constitution, however, according to the theory of "influence", the Federal Government has violated the federal constitution; but if we ignore the divergence caused by the vaguely character of concept "Power", analyzed form the dimension of the core spirit of "check and balance", "education power belongs to the people" of the Constitution, the Federal Government "intervene in" educational affairs hasn't violated the spirit of the Constitution.
Key words:
- Education power /
- US federal government /
- Intervene /
- Unconstitutional
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