A Case Study of Foreignizing Translation: English translation of “Zenjin kyôiku”
摘要: 考察国内外关于小原国芳"全人教育"的研究论文,发现对术语"全人教育"存在不同的英语翻译:有译成"Zenjin Education",有译成"Holistic Education",还有译成"All-round Education"。翻译背后是复杂的能指和所指研究,不同的译法体现了对原术语的外化或归化,也是对原术语概念的发展或误用。外化翻译更有利于表达原术语的本意。术语本身是一个复杂的演变系统,要全面考察其演变史才能找到比较恰当的翻译。教育术语外化不仅存在于汉语的词语回流过程中,也存在于教育实践中。教育实践与教育概念之间也存在类似的外化现象,全人教育的概念在实践中也呈现外化。Abstract: The zenjin education, holistic education and all-round education are different English translations of the Japanese term "zenjin kyôiku". Different translations are based on different strategies which are domesticating translation or foreignizing translation. The translations are complex studies of signifier and signified. Foreignization translation is more conducive to express the original meaning of the term. The appropriate translation must be based on the history of the concept. The concept of Zenjin education is also foreignizing in the real world.
Key words:
- Zenjin Education /
- term /
- translation /
- foreignizing translation /
- concept
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