Research on the Nature and Implementation Approach of Industry-Education Integration Based on the Construction of Knowledge Form
摘要: 产教融合是在社会大融合的环境下应运而生的,是教育发展规律的应然产物,是教育与产业深度合作的动态演化过程。从本质上来说,产教融合是基于知识自由流动、知识形态相互转化的知识融合,目的在于为创新人才培养服务。产教融合过程中构建的复合型知识形态,是一种协作式知识形态、一种环境适应性强的知识形态、一种兼具基础性和应用性的知识形态、一种混合学习的知识形态。推进实施产教融合必须充分依托"互联网+人工智能"的技术环境,紧密依靠强有力的组织变革,大力培育"双师型"教师团队,以及持续深入推进教学改革。Abstract: The integration of industry and education is born in the environment of great social integration. It is also the natural product of the education development and the dynamic evolution process of the deep cooperation between education and industry. In essence, industry-education integration is a form of knowledge integration based on the free flow of knowledge and the mutual transformation of knowledge forms, with the aim of serving the cultivation of innovative talents. The form of composite knowledge constructed in the process of the industry-education integration is a form of collaborative knowledge, a form of knowledge with strong environmental adaptability, a form of knowledge with both basic and applied knowledge, and a form of knowledge of hybrid learning. To promote the implementation of the industry-education integration, we must fully rely on the technical environment of "Internet + artificial intelligence", closely rely on the strong organizational changes, vigorously cultivate "double-qualified" teaching team, and continue to further promote teaching reform.
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