Étienne Cabet's Utopian Socialist Educational Thought and Its Modern Value
摘要: 卡贝是十九世纪法国著名的空想社会主义者,其教育思想主要体现在《伊加利亚旅行记》一书中。他在批判不平等的旧教育制度的基础上,构想了以理想制度为基础的新教育制度。他认为,最为彻底地解决不平等的教育制度的办法就是建立共产主义社会,通过用平等的教育制度取代不平等的教育制度,来消灭旧教育制度的种种弊端。卡贝主张对儿童施以全面发展的教育,认为对儿童开展的教育应该包括体育、智育、德育、生产教育和公民教育。卡贝重视教育发展规划和依法治教并提出了教育教学应该遵循的五项原则。卡贝的教育思想包含着十分可贵的关乎无数真理的天才预测,对现代教育仍具有积极的借鉴价值。Abstract: Cabet was a famous utopian socialist in 19th century in France, whose educational ideas were mainly reflected in the book "Journey to Igalia". On the basis of criticizing the unequal old education system, he conceived a new education system based on the communist system. He believes that the most thorough solution is to establish a communist society. Replace the unequal education system with an equal education system to eliminate the various drawbacks of the old education system. Cabet advocates for comprehensive development education for children, believing that the education for children should include physical education, intellectual education, moral education, productive education and civic education. Cabet attaches great importance to educational development plannings and the rules of law in education, and proposes five principles that education and teaching should follow. Cabet's educational ideas contain countless valuable genius predictions of truths, which still have positive reference value for modern education.
Key words:
- Cabet /
- Journey to Igalia /
- Utopian socialism /
- Educational ideology
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