This paper follows the historical characteristics of Chinese and Western educational cultures, and further engages in an academic dialogue around the analysis and clarification of the fundamental concepts of "教育"(jiào yù), education, and pädagogik, and discusses Chen Guisheng's approach and quality of thinking in educational research. "教育" in the Chinese context is generally used as a synonym for moral education. The translation of education as "教育" is only an assumption, and education is closely related to the evolution of Western society from the religiousization of morality to the moralization of religion, while the "five kinds of '教育'" in the modern context are just five kinds of Bildungs. The dilemma of intertranslation also reflects the differences in the ways of thinking, in which the Western educational discourse is understood with Eastern concepts and the culture of the other is measured by vague standards. Starting from such dilemmas and differences, Chen Guisheng focuses on the analysis of basic concepts, reflects on the pedagogy under the "Western Learning Spreading to the East", and gives rise to a large number of pedagogical "Chen Guisheng's Questions" (Chen Guisheng's "Questions of Pädagogik").