Review of the History of the Research on American Playground Movement over a Century
摘要: 19世纪末爆发的游戏场运动对美国的社会变革和公共教育发展产生了重大影响。自运动产生之日起,美国学者便相继从不同角度和不同方面对其展开研究。但国内却不多见对该运动的专门研究,更鲜有学者从学术史的角度对其进行历史考察。本文在充分占有相关史料的基础上,阐述不同历史时期学界有关美国游戏场运动的研究,分析其在解释路径、关注主体等方面的演变,并探究产生变化的原因。研究认为,虽然美国游戏场运动研究已达到了一个相当成熟的高度——研究成果丰富且不乏经典力作,研究视角渐趋转变与深入,研究的史料基础日渐更新与拓展等,但仍具有继续推进的研究空间:突破探究个案的研究路径,把握美国游戏场运动的总体进程;加强对游戏场运动中重要人物的考察;加大对美国游戏场协会历史的研究等。Abstract: The playground movement in the late 19th and early 20th century had great impact on social change and public education in the United States. Since the emergence of the movement, American scholars have been studying it from different points and facets. However, there are few research on this movement in China. On the basis of ample materials, this paper expounds and analyzes the evolution of academic studies on the movement in different historical periods in terms of explanatory paths and concerned subjects and analyzes the reasons for the changes. According to this research, although the study of playground movement has reached a quite mature level which means that the research results are fruitful, including some classic masterpieces. The research perspective gradually changes and deepens; The foundation of historical materials is updated and expanded. However, there are still huge room for further research:break through the research path of exploring individual cases and grasp the overall process of the movement; strengthen the study of the important figures; increase the research of the history of the Playground Association of America.
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