The Influence of Chen Baisha's Concept of Neo-Confucianism on Social Edification
摘要: 儒家学者十分注重社会教化,这种观念在明代理学家陈白沙身上格外显著。作为明代理学向心学转变的关键人物,陈白沙秉持导民向善的教化精神,一生致力于社会教化,不仅强调以“诚”为本体的德性观,且以身垂范,通过诗书琴乐等教化方式影响弟子门人,视孝悌为教化着眼点,兼及忍、让、勤、俭、忠、信等诸种美德养成,并倡导读书明理,树立家国一体的教化风尚。陈白沙的社会教化实践富有心学涵养和切己躬行的精神气质。伴随陈白沙的社会名声日隆,岭南百姓以及不少官员深受陈白沙的理学教化思想影响。Abstract: Confucian scholars attach great importance to social edification, and this concept is particularly prominent in Chen Baisha, a Ming dynasty Neo-Confucianist. As a key figure in the transformation of Ming Dynasty Neo Confucianism to mind philosophy, Chen Baisha adhered to the spirit of guiding the people toward goodness and devoted his whole life to social edification. He not only emphasized the virtuous view of "sincerity", but also set a good example by influencing his disciples through edification methods such as poetry, calligraphy, music, etc. He focused filial piety and fraternal duty in edification, as well as the cultivation of various virtues, including forbearance, tolerance, industriousness, thriftiness, loyalty, and trust. Furthermore, he advocated establish a culture of edification through reading and understanding, in which the family and the nation were one. Chen Baisha's social edification practice is rich in mind philosophy and the spiritual temperament of personal practice. Along with Chen Baisha's growing social reputation, the people of Lingnan as well as many officials were deeply influenced by Chen Baisha's Neo Confucianism edification.
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