Alternative way of National Salvation——The Value Choice of Chinese students Educated in the the Context of "Shantung Question" and its Significance of Turning
摘要: 1919年,中国在巴黎和会上谈判失败,一种激烈的民族意识迅速扩展到了整个知识群体,尤其是留美中国学生,他们虽然身处大洋彼岸,强烈的民族情绪却丝毫不减。在内外交困的时局刺激之下,救国呼声日益高涨,"书生"与"救国"之间的联系也变得紧密起来,很多学生自觉地将救亡使命加诸己身。留美生通过演说宣讲、刊发评论、或组建相关事务委员会等一系列方式,表达对这一事态的密切关注。对于留美学生来说,虽然他们旅居大洋彼岸,与国内轰轰烈烈的抗议群众相比数量并不大,但是也不可避免地参与到了这场救亡大潮之中,成为其中一股重要的救国力量。就留学生对"山东问题"的态度来看,大部分留学生萌发了基于中国自古以来根深蒂固民族意识的情绪,少数留学生则对以上问题更倾向于采取一种趋于"民族自决"、更具有民族内在觉醒意识的自强方式。体现了书生报国的另一种面相。可以说留美学生在爱国精神驱动下的价值选择以及一系列历史活动,均折射出了近代留美学生与国家命运的双重互动面相,闪烁着彼岸留学生们纯真的爱国理想之光。Abstract: In 1919,when China failed to negotiate at the Paris Peace Conference,a fierce national consciousness quickly spread to the entire intellectual community,especially in Chinese students of U.S.A.,despite there were on the other side of the ocean.At this critical time,students studying in the United States have expressed their close attention to the situation through a series of ways.In terms of the attitude of overseas students towards the"Shantung issue",there is always an emotion based on the deep-rooted and unique national consciousness of China since ancient times,striving for national dignity in the attitude towards Japan.The other group of students tend to adopt a more"national self-preservation"view on the above issues,based on the two different concepts constitute a completely different view,coexisting and interacting in the group of foreign students at the same time.It can be said that the value choice and a series of historical activities driven by the patriotic spirit of the students studying in the United States all reflect the dual interaction between the students studying in the United States and the destiny of the country in modern times,reflecting the pure patriotic ideal of the students.
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