The Current Situations and Ideal Conditions of Popularization of Senior Secondary Education: The Perspective of County Level Endogenous Development
摘要: 虽然当前我国高中阶段教育普及率逐年稳步提升,但依旧存在普职比例失调、普职壁垒难以打破、普高同质化明显而中职吸引力不足的现实问题,普及基础上的内涵发展成为高中阶段教育发展的主要矛盾且日益突出。从县域教育内生发展视角出发,通过加强顶层设计、优化结构布局、推动普职融通、建设协同机制等手段促进县域内高中阶段素质教育的落地生根,实现培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义事业建设者和接班人的教育目标。Abstract: Although the senior secondary school enrolment rate in China has been enhanced in recent years, some practical problems can still be identified: the imbalance of student proportion between academic and vocational high schools; the institutional barriers between the academic and vocational high schools; the homogeneity of academic high school; the insufficient attraction of vocational high school. The main challenge in the senior secondary educational development is how to realize connotation development along with the popularization of high schools. From the perspective of cunty level endogenous development, this paper proposes several solutions to reinforce the quality of education in senior secondary stage, including: re-framing the policy system; optimizing the structural layout; promoting the integration of academic and vocational education; establishing cooperation mechanisms. The eventual policy aim is to cultivate the contributors and successors of socialism who develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically in an all-round way.
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