The Love-hate Dilemma of Western Patriotism as Understood by MacIntyre, Nussbaum and Others
摘要: 启蒙以后的西方自由主义氛围强调个人自主,公民教育的重点不在于爱国、认同、效忠、牺牲等积极美德,而在于对国家公权力不当限制、权利义务的相互规范。自由主义也担心爱国主义或民族主义会造成种族沙文主义。社群主义如麦金太尔等却认为国家具有构成性价值,爱国重新受到正视。努斯鲍姆从道德普遍主义、全球交流的视野,强调世界主义应优先于爱国主义。塔米尔则发展自由民族主义,维罗里提出没有民族主义的爱国主义,企图调和二者的可能冲突。西方世界对爱国主义"爱恨情仇"的学术讨论,不仅值得东方世界参考,今日西方一股浓厚在政治、经济上反中的作法,更值得西方世界重新反思。一言以蔽之,西方重新发扬爱国主义,不应成为阻碍全球化、中西方合作与世界和平的理想。Abstract: Since the Enlightenment, liberalism highlights individual autonomy. Correspondingly, civic education put emphasis on restriction of state power and counterbalance between rights and obligations, instead of patriotism, identity, loyalty, sacrifice and other positive virtues. In the view of liberalism, patriotism and nationalism might lead to chauvinism. On the other side, communitarianism represented by A. MacIntyre believes country is of constitute value so that patriotism is ought to be treated squarely. In contrast, Nussbaum declares that cosmopolitanism should precede over patriotism from the perspective of moral universalism and global communication. Besides, Y. Tamir advocates liberal nationalism, while M. Viroli proposes to patriotism without nationalism, both of which attempt to neutralize the tension between communitarianism and liberalism. As far as I am concerned, not merely the debates about patriotism in western world is valuable for the Eastern, but the Western had better review their anti-china behaviors in the aspects of politics and economy nowadays. In brief, it is not supposed to hinder globalization, cooperation between east and west and world peace, when the west summons the spirit of patriotism.
Key words:
- patriotism /
- nationalism /
- civic education /
- liberalism /
- communitarianism
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