The Change of Educational Finance Policy in China: An Analysis Based on the “Highlights of the Work of Ministry of Education” from 1987 to 2019
摘要: 通过对《教育部工作要点》进行文本编码以分析教育财政政策变迁,发现:1987-2019年间,教育财政政策作为实现教育发展目标的激励工具在政策系统中的地位增强,但波动起伏明显;政策结构新旧转换,具体教育事业的财政政策逐渐切换综合统筹的政策,成为主流。教育财政政策内容的不断革新,推进教育财政公共性、公平性、均衡性发展;不仅教育经费筹措政策逐步转向重视各级政府的公共资金,而且分配政策转向重视人员经费和教育补偿,各级各类教育财政政策转向重视均衡发展。Abstract: This paper analyzes the changes of educational finance policy by text-coding of the " Highlights of the Work of Ministry of Education". It finds that:from 1987 to 2019, as an incentive tool to achieve the goal of educational development, the status of educational finance policies in the national education policy system has been enhanced, but their status fluctuated significantly. With the transformation of policy structure from the old to the new, policies of specific educational undertakings had been gradually replaced by policies of comprehensive planning which became the mainstream of educational finance policies. The continuous innovation of educational finance policies promoted the development of publicity, fairness and balance of educational finance. Not only policies of education fund-raising gradually turned to emphasize public funding of government at all levels, but policies of education fund-distribution also turned to emphasize personnel funding and education compensation. Moreover, the educational finance policies at all levels and in all categories also turned to emphasize a balanced development.
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