The Sociology of Education in Lu Xun's Novels
摘要: 如《孔乙己》《故乡》《端午节》等小说所示,鲁迅曾从心系无名大众的社会现实视角出发,揭示清末民初教育改革中诸多被改革者忽视的重要问题,鲁迅小说因此具有值得解读和借鉴的教育社会学内涵。从教育社会学角度解读鲁迅小说,不仅可以为研究本土教育社会学最初发展开辟新路,丰富优化本土教育社会学稍显贫瘠的已知早期遗产,而且能为当代教育社会学者从无名大众入手深化教育改革研究,发展叙事的以无名大众为本的教育改革社会学提供典范参照。Abstract: In his influential novels,such as Kong Yiji,Hometown,and Dragon Boat Festival,Lu Xun figured out many important issues caused by the educational reforms in the perspective of the nameless populace.Regarding Lu Xun's novels as the works of the sociology of education,one can not only broaden the knowledge of early developments of the Chinese sociology of education since the late Qing Dynasty,but also obtain valuable reference which is useful to study contemporary educational reforms in the perspective of the nameless populace with the lens of narrative studies.
Key words:
- Lu Xun's Novel /
- the nameless populace /
- Sociology of educational reform /
- Narrative
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