Running Activities of Shanggong Primary School Affiliated to the Commercial Press
摘要: 1905年,商务印书馆以教化新民、实验教材为目的创办了尚公小学。在27年的办学历程中,尚公小学顺应了进步主义教育实验的风潮,把握了中国近代教育变革的脉搏,建立了一支由庄俞、吴研因、杨贤江、叶圣陶等教育名家组成的教育队伍,还拥有充实而先进的硬件条件。在办学活动中,尚公小学兼收并蓄中西方优质教育资源,以学生的经验为中心设置课程,与时俱进地编用教材,通过借鉴分组教学等教育实验挖掘学生潜力,不断探索学生自治模式,开辟了"以出版扶助教育,以教育反馈出版"的先河。Abstract: the Commercial Press opened the Shanggong Primary School with the aim of teaching new citizens and experimenting textbooks in 1905. The School has conformed to the trend of progressive education experiment and grasped the pulse of modern Chinese education reform in 27 years. It accumulated the rich and advanced hardware conditions, sets up a by Zhuang Yu, Wu Research, Yang Xianjiang, Ye Shengtao and other educational masters. Shanggong Primary School has set up the curriculum according to the experience of the students. It explores the student's potential through the educational experiment, such as group teaching, Gray System and Dalton Plan. The school constantly explored the student autonomy model and compiled the teaching material with the times. It opened up the precedent of publishing support education and education feedback publishing.
Key words:
- Republic of China /
- Commercial Press /
- Shanggong Primary School /
- educational activities
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