Rethinking Teachers' Professional Competence for Personalized Teaching: Based on the Analysis of Educator Competencies for Personalized, Learner-Centered Teaching of the United States
摘要: 追求卓越且公平的教育,让每个学生都能获得优质且适合的教育,成为当前我国教育改革的重要议题。然而,个性化教学对教师能力的转型提出了挑战,为此美国于2015年出台了《指向个性化,以学习者为中心的教师教学能力框架》。该框架坚持以学习者为中心的指导思想,以提高教师能力为本位,以认知领域、内省领域、人际领域和教学领域为主要维度,对教师个性化教学的能力要求进行了全面阐释。对该框架予以详细解读,旨在透视开展个性化教学所需的教师能力,明晰其所依据的理性基础,据此力求促进我国个性化教学理念的落地与发展。Abstract: In pursuit of excellence and equity in education, every student should access to quality and appropriate education. In 2015, America developed Teacher Competence Framework for Personalized Education. This Framework adheres to the principle of learner-centeredness, and focuses on improving teachers' competences, with cognitive, introspective, interpersonal and pedagogical domains as the main dimensions, and provides a comprehensive explanation on teachers' competencies for personalized teaching. It not only promotes the index of high-level teaching competencies in each field, but also indicates the specific ways to develop teaching competencies to achieve this index. It thus can be seen as a complete and operable framework for teachers' competencies. Through a detailed study of this Framework, this paper aims to clarify teachers' competencies required for personalized teaching, which will facilitate the implementation and development of personalized teaching in China.
Key words:
- personalized teaching /
- teachers' competence /
- professional standards
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