Making Nationals Through Writing of Commonsense Knowledge in Literacy Textbooks
摘要: 对于失学成年民众来讲,识字教科书可能是他们拥有的最早或唯一书籍,怀揣"读书明理"古训,更容易接受教科书传递的价值选择以及观念赋予。识字教科书作为载体,承载着"谁"来决定、传达"谁"的知识、何种知识以及这种知识的价值取向等诸多考量,进而建构出一套独特的识字教科书话语体系,在传授基本识字能力的同时塑形国民,赋予了识字行为社会与政治意义。本文以1930年代教育部编审处编辑的三民主义千字课为文本来源,分析政府及知识精英是如何通过识字教科书来框定、修正失学民众的价值观念,揭示识字教科书如何通过常识进行再生产。Abstract: For out-of-school adults, literacy textbooks may be the first or even the only books they own. Following the ancient motto of "reading books to gain insights", they are more likely to accept the value choices and given concepts conveyed by textbooks. As a vehicle, literacy textbooks carry many considerations such as "who" determines, "whose" knowledge is conveyed, what kind of knowledge is conveyed and the value orientation of this knowledge. Literacy textbooks thus construct a unique discourse system which not only imparts basic literacy skills, but also shapes the nationals, endowing the act of literacy a social and political significance. Using the textbooks of "Thousand Characters" edited by the editorial office of the Ministry of Education in 1930s as the data sources, this paper analyses how the government and the intellectual elites framed and modified the values of the out-of-school population through literacy textbooks, and reveals how commonsense knowledge were reproduced through literacy textbooks.
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