How to Construct University Think Tank to Meet Contemporary Need: Perspectives from a Higher Education Leader
摘要: 本文以高等教育管理者的视野,分析了当前我国建设高等教育智库的必要性,提出建设智库需要在四方面实现转型:一是研究范式要从追求理想状态向现实可行转型;二是研究态度要从注重“高大上”向“接地气”转型;三是研究库存要从文献库存向综合库存转型;四是智库研究者要推动实践者从经验判断到科学决策转型。本文还对智库建设提出了具体的操作性建议。Abstract: This study briefly analyses the necessity of building China's higher education think tank from perspectives of a higher education leader. It is proposed to reform think tank in four aspects:First, change the research paradigm from pursuit of ideal state to reality; Second, change research attitudes from "high -end" to "the common touch"; Third, switch document database to comprehensive database; Fourth, think tank researchers should facilitate practitioners to change their ideas from experience-based decision-making to scientific decision-making. This study also puts forward specific suggestions on the construction of education think tank.
Key words:
- construction /
- higher education /
- think tank /
- transformation
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